I live in the Seattle Washington area so I have the opportunity to dive the cold waters of the Puget Sound. However I don't have a drysuit so my dives locally are mostly in prep of going to more tropical destinations. I have had the privilege of diving in Thailand, Bali, Raja Ampat, Belize, Roatan, Cozumel with my upcoming trip being to Bonaire. I love the exploration aspect of diving and capturing those memories on camera. My camera setup is a Sony A7Riv inside of a seafrogs housing. Primary lenses are the 90mm macro, 16-35 f4 and most recently the canon 8-15 fisheye on an adapter. Lighting wise I have a pair Backscatter MacroWide video lights and YS-D3 strobes. I am always tinkering with my setup as I try to learn more so it will likely change as time goes on. Excited to join the community and continue to learn.