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Johan Sundelin

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Everything posted by Johan Sundelin

  1. I tend to agree with your conclusion Chris. And yes, when i bypass the flash trigger via a Nikonos style sync cord, instead of a fiber optic cable, then everything works. Since I already have the sync cable I'm leaning towards trying to buy the Nauticam bulkhead connection when landing in Miami ahead of the trip. That would save my trip and buy time for Nauticam to solve the trigger problem. It seems that they now finally are realising that there might be a problem with their trigger (instead of with the user😊) .
  2. Thanks Dave and Chris for taking the time to help me. Very appreciated! Yes, the control knob for the pre flash is pressed down on the strobe. Regarding firing single shoots: I have tried to take a single picture when starting up the flash but it does not help. If firing in single mode I need to wait about one second in between pictures, then it works. Anything faster is not working. I can also see a green light lighting up for a second after each red LED flash is sent to the strobe. I assume this should indicate that the LED works correctly. When it comes to asking Nauticam to disable the PreFlash Learning logic I will contact them to investigate that idea further. I have considered trying to retrofit the Sea&Sea converter into the Nauticam house but unfortunately I can't see it practically work since the Sea&Sea trigger is very "bulky". Now regarding if the camera recognises the flash. When connecting a Nikon flash two flash symbols appear in the monitor/viewfinder. When connecting the Inon strobes they don't appear neither when connected via the flash trigger or directly via a X-sync cable. Despite this I do however wonder if this is the problem for several reasons: 1) Sometimes the set up works perfectly, irrespective of set up and settings. 2) When connected via X-sync cable everything works fine despite no flash symbol. 3) Even when not working correctly the flashes do fire. With all above in mind, do you have any more ideas?
  3. I have such a weird problem that I desperately need some advice on. Leaving on a trip in two days and my brand new equipment is not working. Any advise would be HUGELY appreciated! The problem shows it self when taking flash pictures in continues mode. If I have the flashes dialed into the lowest output I can visually see the flashes firing for every shot I take. However, when reviewing the images only the first frame is being lit by the flash, all others have zero flash light on them. This is irrespective of if I shoot 1 or 10 frames per second. The really troubling part is that the problem comes and goes seemingly in a random manor. If the camera sits for an hour then suddenly it works perfectly and I can take as many as 20 frames per second and every frame is lit by the flash. If I then wait some hours or a day, suddenly the problem is back even though no connection or camera adjustments have been made. I have tried many ways but still have not been able to force the error. - Nikon z8 camera with 24-50 mm lens, Inon z330 flash with Inon cable. Camera is set at M mode at about 1/125th of a sec, f6,7 and ISO 200, flash sync speed 1/200 sec (not FP), flash sync speed is 1/60. The flash is in manual mode, lowest flash output and the ACC button is pressed and locked into place. - It is the same problem with both the Inon z330 flashes and a Sea&Sea YD-D1 flash. - Also identical problem when changing fiber optic cable from Inon to Sea&Sea. - Both these flash brands also all works perfectly with a Nikon D850 in a Sea&Sea D850 house with Sea&Sea flash trigger. - I have even connected the Nikon Z8 to the Sea&Sea house and its built in optical flash trigger and then everything works. When then moving the Z8 camera back to the Nauticam house without any camera adjustments the problem comes back. - The Z8 also works perfectly with a Nikon flash attached to the hot shoe. This is the argument that Nikon customer service uses to claim the camera functions as it should. The camera is also updated to the latest firmware. - Total reset of all camera settings does not solve the problem either. - I have received a new manual flash trigger from Nauticam but the problem is the same. - Everything works perfectly when I connect the Z8 via a sea&sea electric cable instead of fiber optic cable (see picture). I do however not have any way of fitting the cable into the Nauticam "house holes". Sorry for the long post but I have tried sooo many things without success and neither Nauticam nor Nikon have managed to help so far. Please, any idea on how to fix this??
  4. Hi Took me while to find this forum but must say it looks great! Johan
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