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Everything posted by raytrace

  1. Free eBook about a group diving tour to Magic Oceans resort, Philippines, July 2024. https://photojourney.smiliemail.org/gallery/ Short version: here is the eBook of our dive adventure. Grab it via the link above. Pretty photos of UW critters. Long version: In 2011 I went to Iceland and was so impressed that I wrote an eBook about preparing for and taking a photographic holiday there. I made it available free via the internet and so far it has been grabbed over 1100 times by the world photographic community. A good way to give something back... I have done this with several other photo journeys, including underwater ones. You can see the free PDF eBooks that I have written via: https://photojourney.smiliemail.org/gallery In total, these eBooks have been grabbed over 12,000 times worldwide. On that site, various parts of each eBook entry are hot - if you put your cursor over the part, you get more info. Just click on the eBook you want. The Magic Oceans diving eBook was finished recently and is about a group diving tour to the Philippines, taken in July this year. Definitely an eBook about what we learnt re diving and UW photography, but also trying to review diving in that area and how well the resort looked after us overall. That is, was it worth it and would we go again. (Yes!) The eBooks detail preparations such as transport, accommodation, clothing, photographic gear, etc as well as showing images from the photojourney. The main thrust behind the eBooks is to show what we learnt from the experience so that others will be better prepared. But if you just like pretty UW images, have a look as well. The links to the eBooks will redirect you to a fast Dropbox site. You do NOT have to make a dropbox account to get access - it tries to persuade you to do this, but look for the "continue as guest" type link if asked. Grab the eBook if you like. I suggest that you get the "_ebook" PDF from Dropbox as it is a good compromise between file size and image quality. Perhaps download the _ebook version and look at it at your leisure. If you know of others who may be interested, then please pass on the above link (rather than just sending them direct to dropbox) because this helps me keep track of the number of times the eBook is downloaded. Mention the photojourney site on any appropriate social media forums you enjoy. People are often on the lookout for new places to go, and these eBooks can help. They are not just diving eBooks - various other interesting places and techniques are also described. Grab those as well if appropriate. Dropbox site: https://photojourney.smiliemail.org/gallery/ Location: Philippines Duration: 1 week Temperature: 30 degrees celsius Visibility: 20+ metres. # Images: LOTS + videos. Enjoy!
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  2. Hi I have found that the polystyrene case for some drones is ideal for storing fragile lenses and camera gear. Strong but light. I carved out some of the insides for a better fit for my gear. See attached image or look in https://photojourney.smiliemail.org/gallery/ for the Planning for a Dining adventure ebook. Enjoy.
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  3. Hi That is WA in Australia not Washington. Only diving for 6 years. 30 years a Senior lecturer at a Uni teaching Computer Science, another 10 years causal tutoring in Comp Sci. I like providing information, so most of our dives are documented as free PDF eBooks: https://photojourney.smiliemail.org/gallery/ eBooks grabbed over 9600 times worldwide. And if you are coming to WA, have a look at one of the links on that site for the logistics of local shore dives. I hope to continue diving locally and overseas until I 'meat' a shark! ciao for niao
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