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Everything posted by MrChen

  1. It's probably a good policy to cut back on spam and scams.
  2. I hate the subscription model as well. I resisted it for years and finally gave in. When I bought my D850, my older version of LR was no longer compatible with the RAW format.
  3. If you've never been, I have an excellent guide I could recommend. If you're on SB, her name is Scuba_Jenny.
  4. This is the post where the original owner and I connected for the sale on WP. WTB 45 Degree Viewfinder - Classifieds - Wetpixel :: Underwater Photography Forums
  5. I'll post some measurements when I get a chance. It could be helpful to someone who doesn't need the adapter and they're curious if this model is compatible with their housing. I purchased it used on WetPixel. Here's a link to the adapter I purchased: Deeproof Viewfinder Adapter for INON Viewfinder with Sea&Sea Housings (divervision.com) The original seller said it was the first version of the viewfinder, so it's not the version 2 model. The difference being you can screw a diopter onto version 2, but not version 1. The original owner said he used it with an Isotta adapter. The only reason I'm selling it is because I was able to obtain a S&S 45 Degree Viewfinder which is 1.2x vs 1.0x magnification.
  6. Limonandra nodosa, photographed at BHB
  7. Where are you guys at? BHB has been incredible this week. We've had large schools of spotted eagle rays, eagle rays swimming with divers playfully, goliath grouper, and multiple manatees, all seen on the same dive. The eagle rays have are being spotted daily.
  8. After posting some messages, it appears I "ranked up" and it allowed me to post.
  9. I have an Inon 45 degree viewfinder for sale, which includes a Sea & Sea MDX housing adapter. It works perfectly, no scratches on the lens. I'm asking for $300 plus shipping. I'm located in SE Florida.
  10. Photos taken with Nikon D850, 105mm lens, +10 Subsee diopter, Inon Z330 strobes or Backscatter MF2. Jan 7, 2024, dove the west side. I know I know, it's a butt shot, but it was the best I could do considering the location and current. Jan 8, 2024 east side
  11. Any new features worth pointing out?
  12. Hey Tim, I can't figure out how to post in the classifieds section. Do you know why?
  13. It's good to see we got a new site up and running. I've been diving for 10 years and frequent Blue Heron Bridge for macro photography. I currently shoot with a Nikon D850, Sea & Sea housing, Inon Z330 and MF2 strobes, 105mm lens.
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