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christophe chellapermal

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    United Arab Emirates

Article Comments posted by christophe chellapermal

  1. Thank you everyone for the awesome feedback and the input just as a reminder it's not about putting the blame on anyone but really about opening what i believe is a discussion we don t hear about enough, i also want to emphasize how lucky we are to have such cool hobby and time for a passion while some on the planet have much pressing issues..


    It is a very difficult topic and the line is very thin it is also very hard to define if tourism is a good or negative thing for habitats i have seen places that thrived thanks to tourism others like in sharm where i have seen the reefs in really bad shape my first time there was in 96 last one was in 23... I know for example in hawai they have strict rules about approaching marine mammals... Like always there are those with good practices and those without a care... my approach has always been to be as humble as possible when in the sea.. i ve always taught one motto to all my dive student a good diver is a diver that never stops learning i believe the same applies in uw photography.. heading out for a cruise in thailand tonight will be off the grid for two weeks apologies if i don't follow up in the threads, merci to all 

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  2. Thank you @Interceptor121 for passing on very valuable information and knowledge. I still think there is way to much energy spent and noise made on those wet lenses. Especially when i see images like the one @upy from rafael caballero, his image is dead bang on sharp using a z14-30f4.  I keep reading everywhere that the z lens are unsharp uw in the corners and full of aberration I feel more and more like there given way more credits than they deserve 

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