Thanks so much for all of these thoughts, @Davide DB @bghazzal @Chris Ross! Such a helpful bunch. ☺️
I'll play around with moving one of the float arms underneath the housing (though I take your point @Davide DB about not going too far the other direction lol). That float base thing looks brilliant too...
@bghazzal do you happen to have a photo of your macro set-up? I'm definitely looking at playing around more with macro too, so I'm curious to learn what you've discovered on this front too! For your moveable float, is it the kind of thing you adjust prior to a dive or are you able to adjust it during a dive? And that video you shared with the stabiliser float is great and would be super helpful for changing camera angles. I'll play around with that too!
I'm still keen to figure out how I can get a greater variety of camera movements out of this set-up too so will play around more with float configurations and see if that might do the trick. My film practice generally is more experimental, and what I'd ideally love to achieve is a more gestural mode of underwater filmmaking. Take for example, the kinds of camera movements used by Stan Brakhage here:
The nice thing with more experimental filmmaking is that I can live with some shake and less than perfect focus, etc. 😂 I just have struggled to get the camera really to change angle and rotate without putting a ton of force into it, but perhaps distributing the floats more closer to the centre of mass as you all suggest will help...!
Many thanks again!!