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Everything posted by Gmsalterego

  1. New bayonet mounting for macromate mini lens. Bye
  2. Help, I'm looking for a high resolution tablet, to be used with gopro quik app and display 5.3K videos. Any suggestion will be appreciated. Bye Giacomo
  3. @NaughticamBackscatter GoPro Sharp Wide Lens Pro Package: very good wet lens
  4. Hello Mike by Backscatter wrote that it's coming out a MacroMate designed for the bayonet, it should be available in a few weeks. bye Giacomo
  5. Hello, is it possibile a bayonet mount for backscatter macromate mini lens? Thank you
  6. Hello, I have a GOPRO 12 and use Backscatter GoPro Sharp Wide Lens Pro Package, very similar to AOI UWL 03. I also own a gopro hb 7 with macromate mini +15 but it's very difficult to get great macro shot due to the short FOV. Bye
  7. Today: lake of Como Gopro 12 and backscatter wide angle. Chinese lights Bye
  8. I think so, for wide angle shots of course. Macro requires less light by the way. This is my understanding. Ciao, Giacomo
  9. Dear @Elvandar all good questions. I've also spent a lot for macro and wet lens and I dont want absolutely dismiss my GP12 too. I submitted the present subject because of my chinese lamp burned its led. Now I'm waiting for replacement due to the amazon warranty. I was thinking if a different brand was more reliable, considering all the manufacturer are in China. My budget? Around 400-500 € more or less Bye Giacomo
  10. Hello everybody, I don't know if this is the right place to submit my question. I'm looking for a good, powerful and hopefully not very expensive video lamp. Any suggestion? Thank you in advance
  11. Hello, any news about the topic? I saw the mac version but I'm not so excited by that. Have a Nice day and bubbles Giacomo
  12. Red sea - safari october 2024
  13. Cristo - Moregallo, lake of Como
  14. Gmsalterego


    It's an esox lucius, european lucius, lake of Garda, northern Italy.
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  15. I will not upgrade to GP13 of course, nevertheless I will suggest to buy GP12 to my friends. Bye
  16. Thank you, I've extracted frames from my videos till now. I was looking for a different approach in order to get better photos with higher resolution. And GP12 ensures 24MP for photo mode...
  17. I suppose something is wrong or not so clear. My intention is shooting a sequence of 5 still photo over a period of 15 secs while I'm moving around a target.
  18. I try to explain my target. Taking stand still with gopros is quite difficult. I would use time lapse mode in taking photos without worrying about pushing the shutter at one precise moment. No tripod, only point and shot a sequence. This way could allow to take pictures at the highest resolution 27 MP. I've planned a cruise in october and I'm experimenting time lapse with video lights. Ciao Giacomo
  19. Hello everybody, I was thinking about taking pictures underwater using time lapse feature, both macro and wide angle. What do you think about that? Is it a valid approach and if so what settings do you suggest? Thank you in advance
  20. Great suggestion Davide! I'll use the gasket of the skeleton door. I did't remember such a spare part of the original housing. Ciao, Giacomo
  21. Hello, do you know where I can find and buy such a silicon gasket? I woud avoid the risk to ruin a scuba holiday due to this little oring. Thank you in advance
  22. I tested in lake the new backscatter wa lens with gopro 12 and ambient light just today. I attached a photo after WB. Underwater the lens is very bright and reduces dirty particles. First time, great results. I hope to be better in tropical water. Bye
  23. Gmsalterego


    Luccio, Salò - lake of Garda. Dive site: Berardi's wreck.
  24. Hello, I beg pardon in case of similar post but ... i would like any suggestion too choose a good and possibile easy to use software for white balancing and color grading in post production. Thank you to anyone could help me to move around the supermarket of video editing tools. Bye
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