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Everything posted by BLUEWAVEFILMS

  1. Congratulations! 🙂 Just a few words: Canon colors in MWB are always great. In the past I used to film a lot with my Canon G7X. When 4K became more relevant and Canon wasn't able to deliver a usable product I switched the Panasonic GH5. That was back in 2017. After fighting with the GH5 which isn't able to achieve a proper WB without lights or a (light absorbing) Keldan filter I recently switched back to a Canon R50. Long story short... After seeing these pics I am even more looking forward to get Canon colors again. And save tons of hours in post...
  2. I remember an interview (maybe on Wetpixel?) with one of the recording managers of "Avatar 2" talking about a resolution problem they had in the crystal clear water of the pool where they shot many underwater scenes. The problem was to achieve real 4K (or was it 8K?) resolution. So I am wondering how much sense it makes to shoot in 18.7K when the "water visibility" reduces it to 1080p or even below...?
  3. Since the last post was in early March, I would like to ask if there have been any updates regarding the controls? Have the controls in Mexico City become stricter, and are now similar to Cabo? Unfortunately, I booked a double tour to Socorro / Baja. Had I known about the 'Gringo Tax,' I wouldn’t have booked a trip to Mexico at all. But that's how it is... Now I’m considering whether I should leave my Canon R50 / Nauticam housing along with the WWL-1b and lights at home and instead just take my backup camera, a DJI Osmo Action 4, because I absolutely don’t want to pay $1000 just to use my better equipment on two liveaboards. Thanks! Andreas
  4. Hi everyone! :-) I just "migrated" from Wetpixel... The ocean has always been a source of endless fascination for me. Capturing the beauty beneath the waves is always a challenge and my personal passion., I'm excited to connect with others who share this same love for our oceans. Looking forward to the adventures and discoveries that lie ahead! 🙂 Best greetings from Munich, Germany! Andreas
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