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Everything posted by PEPhoto84

  1. @CaolIla we are on egypt el quisier in Mövenpick at ful January and Best of Sulawesi (bunaken bangka und Lebeth) in Mai and June but first have to finished the video for raja ^^
  2. hey mein lieber Frühaufsteher, du auch hier 😄
  3. Found in Raja Ampat, Indonesia. Size approx 10 mm in was in a soft coral Fish was shy. At first I thought it was a very young scorpionfish, but features are missing or crocodile fish but i cant find him in any guide. Thanks for the help.
  4. Hi Jordi, welcome. How is the diving in your gerate town?
  5. Hey John! Welcome to Waterpixels. Great to have you with us. We hope you enjoy the forum.
  6. Helly John, welcome 😄
  7. Hello everyone, I've finally switched to an international forum. (From Taucher.net - german community) I / We have been diving since 2021. We started with the RX100VA in Fantasea, then expanded the equipment with 2x z330ii. Before our last trip to Raja Ampat I decided to upgrade to an Sony a7cii in the Nauticam with WWL-1B and CMC-1 as well as a 90mm with SMC-1. It was definitely a big step. Actually, I mostly take photos. My wife prefers to make videos and uses the iPhone 12 mini, initially in the SeaLife Sportdiver and since June in the Divevolk. We use 2 M8 photocore lamps with blue/red filters for filming Our channel can be found at: https://www.youtube.com/@Drive4Dive The whole video of the Raja Ampat is not finished yet, we are there ;). Bur here wwe have an trailer: We don't yet have a plan for September / October 2025. In January 2026 we would like to do the Philippiens. I hape we are welcome in that new community
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