I use a GoPro 9 and generally shoot in 4k, 60 FPS using 16x9 display. Most of the diving takes place in the UK at depths of 20 to 45 metres. I make scenic and wreck dive videos.
For 2021 to 2023 I used a pair of Divepro 9,000 lumen lights. These have been terrific. In 2024 I bought a pair of Divepro 18,000 lumen lights. These have also been very good. However one of these has failed. The UK supplier has agreed to replace the light head as clearly a manufacturing issue. But I am still waiting-5 months. The issue appears to be Divepro as I know the UK supplier fairly well.
I have been experimenting with using lights for backlighting. This video should show you reasonably well
I have a couple of options:
Buy some Keldan lights. Use the 9,000 and single, 18,000 lumen lights for back lighting. Ouch at the cost!
Buy a pair of 18,000 lumen light. Possibly Kraken Hydra. Use the Divepro lights at back lights.
I dive at Scapa Flow a couple of times a year. I know that using the 9,000 lumen light to light up the rudders on the Markgraf wreck is not sufficient. But a pair of 18,000 lumen lights should do the trick.
I am open to other suggestions. Thank you for your help.