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  1. Hello, I just discovered this site and it seems like a wealth of info - already helped me out with making the decision on which new strobes to buy! I am figuring out photography as I go & have a steep learning curve ahead, but absolutely love macro shots (I'm discovering that this is soo tricky underwater... anybody has any tips let me know!). I have a Olympus EM10 IV with the standard lens, and a 60mm lens, plus a WA wet lens and close up lens. Currently have the Backscatter MF-2 strobe, but plan to get a pair of HF-1s for better wide angle shots. I'm located on Vancouver Island, so photography is a good distraction for me from the cold water 🙂 I also love tropical diving/photography, obviously! If anyone is local to eastern Vancouver Island and wants to go for some photography dives, let me know! (I was going to upload one of my underwater photos to go along with this post but can't see any photo upload buttons - only Insert image from URL - can anyone point out how to upload? Thanks) Grace
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