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    Nauticam, Canon, Instagram, Magazines

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  1. For sure! I miss it so much but Hawai'i will always be there for me when I'm ready to come home. My mom was verging on stage 4 cancer in 23/24 and, though she beat it, I realized she might not always be here. So I'm soaking in time with her now and I'm grateful to do so ❤️
  2. I don't know where the verbiage for this post went, but I had written that I have this housing for sale and it's in great condition! I only used it 4 times and bought it from Reef Photo & Video. Hoping to sell it for $1750 but am open to offers!
  3. Thanks @TimG for the warm welcome! And thank you @Kraken de Mabini for the suggestion! I'll see what I can afford 😅
  4. @humu9679 Waipahu?! Go Marauders! I grew up in hono'uli'uli. Just between Kapolei & Waipahu 🙂
  5. Forgive me for asking but, I'm curious: With the amount of photographers out there and the number of contests / competitions that are around, do you find that you care about who won what in photo competitions these days? Several years ago, I used to enter my imagery in a few comps (and even won gold once!) but I have found that I've recently lacked motivation to participate in such things these days. Am I alone? Do you feel the competitions provide great opportunities and exposure like they used to? Thoughts?
  6. David, I began this series just a couple weeks and I agree with your sentiment on November 20th. Obama's voice was a bit jarring for me at first as I've been used to the soothing tune of Sir David Attenborough or even Morgan Freeman. I believe I read somewhere that the Obamas produced that documentary so I suppose it made sense that he would narrate it. Still, it took me a while to get into and I did skip over a few of the episodes where the dramatization seemed abundantly gratuitous.
  7. I like voiceovers with text because I struggle with accents sometimes or I watch reels while my partner is having a nap so I mute the phone and read the captions with the video. I try to do the same for all my posts. I've had people reach out and tell me that they're grateful I put CCs on my stories because they're from another country and say that I speak quite quickly 😅
  8. Aloha everyone, My name is Alicia! I was raised primarily in Hawai'i, where I learned how to freedive and began my photography business at the age of 15. My career has taken me all over the world; I've won gold in competitions like Our World Underwater; my work has been featured in publications such as Conde Naste and Oprah Magazine; and I've had successful partnerships with clients like Hyundai, Samsung, Ocean Conservancy, and Sandals resorts. I recently moved to a small island off the coast of South Carolina to take care of my mom as she was battling cancer and I'm now grateful to celebrate that she's cancer free! I've decided to stick around the area a bit longer to weigh my options: move home to Hawaii or explore the Caribbean a bit. What're your thoughts? Thanks for reading this! I look forward to reading a few of the other introductions here too! Also, for anyone interested, my instagram account is: www.instagram.com/aliciaunderwater Cheers! A
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