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  • Camera Model & Brand:
    GoPro 11


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  1. Hello there, this topic is related to the DJI5pro and GoPro 11 action cameras. If somebody could help me out here with some recommendations or tips would be really appreciated. So basically Im shooting my videos with an GoPro 11 without any lens or filter. Furthermore I used red filters but was really disappointed because all the videos being way to redish. Now Im looking to buy the AOI or Backscatter sharp wide lens. But Im also looking to buy the DJI5pro. So here comes the thing. I met plenty divers showing me unedited videos from their DJI5pro and the videos on YT are also looking ver very good compared to the greenish GoPro videos. I definetly want to take the advantages of an wide lens but now I also saw many post here that the DJI doesnt really work with the wide lens because the edges were looking very bad. On top of that the Backscatter GoPro lens mount offers red filters which the AOI doesnt offer. Is there also a huge diffrent between the INON, AOI and BackScatter 140 degree wet wide lens? So does someone have experience with those models or has recommendations for me. Getting the DJI5pro with lens or getting the mount, lens and red filter from backscatter. I have really no clue what the best solution is so maybe you guys can help me out what would be really appreciated. And even having trouble with the redish videos from the filter, with an red filter the post production is a lot better/easier, right? In the following I attatched some photos from the products mentioned. Thanks in advance, Luca 🙂
  2. Hello guys, Im a huge diving lover. ATM Iam an Rescue Diver on the sidemount config. and looking for Tech diving in the coming months/years. Im a huge Shark and Manta lover and love to share my experiences. By now I just have experience with my GoPro 11 and housing. Now I finally have the courage to take this one step further. So basically Im here to seek some tips and tricks from the experienced community. And maybe in some time also able to provide something helpfull 🙂
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