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  1. Hi all, Hope everyone is doing well. I am Ezz and I am from Jordan and I need your advice and guidance. Recently, I started thinking about building my first setup for underwater photography and videography. Over the past year, I’ve improved my diving skills, and I feel ready to take this step. Before investing a lot in an advanced setup, I thought it would be wiser to start with what I have, improve my skills, and then invest later. I currently have a Fujifilm X-T3, and I want to build a budget-friendly but solid setup to start training with. My budget is around $1,000–$1,500. I’ve been researching online, but there are so many options, and since I’m not an expert in this field, I’d really appreciate your help. I'm looking for: - A reliable underwater housing for the Fujifilm X-T3 - A lens suitable for macro photography - Good lighting options within my budget I’d love to hear your recommendations based on your experience! Thanks in advance for your advice!
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