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Everything posted by fruehaufsteher2

  1. The 3m I need for myself seems to be missing… 🫣 And absolutely of course I‘d take the same approach. This is to help each other, not to make money!
  2. Exactly! Thanks for your efforts!!!
  3. Hi Tim, sitting here in Dharavandoo and just having killed another cable I changed my mind- I feel able to forward distribute as long as it is inside EU.
  4. In fact I am really interested- some 2 or 3m. but I‘d also take 20m and distribute in EU…
  5. Try to adjust the monitor brightness manually to "high" ... and no one uses the "auto review" - this blocks the screen. I usually use the histogram view (press two times up on the "wheel") that shows better whether you have under-or overexposed.
  6. Hi @Crasoner, All true. Now that I practiced more I saw an additional point - the extension was too short. I‘ve updated to second flash, longer arms and the first tests look promising. Thanks a lot!
  7. https://i-fiberoptics.com/fiber-detail-asahi.php?id=3360&sum=166
  8. Hi Tim, I thought about making the middle man - but in the next 6 months I will be travelling very often. Sending to EU would be about 20,-€ but in fact tax will be added. So for example 20m will be around 300.- all in all with the help of @bvanant null That shouldn't be a problem. But then distributing is an additional effort that currently I cannot do.
  9. Have read all the posts more than once but now I’m sure I get most of the facts. Extremely interesting from technical and practical perspective! To follow up: what is better? Short flash duration or a long one? If my Retra Pro Max has 1/600 flash duration (at full power) I should be able to use 1/1000 without HSS? But no, because in fact the two courtains of the shutter need 1/200 (sync speed) to finish their way? So: how long is the HSS-flash duration? If the tube of the flashlight is slower, let’s say 1/200, is this similar to HSS? Still not getting it all…
  10. Incredible beautiful. Much of what can be seen at Nat GEO is worse. Did you switch from auto-ISO to manual? There's one scene where the exposure settings seem to change?
  11. Yep. Let’s go. Please dm and we’ll have that done.
  12. Did you ask i-fiberoptics about alternative shipping other than UPS? I think they stated that you could ask them individually....?
  13. Price reduction to 200.-
  14. Maybe this helps: https://www.usa.canon.com/pro/electronic-range-calculators/angle-of-view?srsltid=AfmBOopuFgvwHXgH0bqclAwuZc_ufA1ykX-Sy2UdmSg6C-fWz8_ckvMu in combination with the Nauticam Port Charts: https://www.nauticam.com/pages/wwl-1-port-chart The converter FOV is 130-70 degrees but the information whether this is vertical, horizontal or diagonal is not given. Let‘s say it is diagonal. The according focal length at 130 deg could be around 10-11mm if used on land. For 70 deg it is around 30mm
  15. Thanks. It took only two Teams-Meetings that should have been an email until first try finished null
  16. Hi Bghazzal, fully agree. The fact that until now no gopro wasn't in scope doesn't mean that it will stay that way. "doesn't matter" seems a bit too optimistic. But one more speculation: there could be another reason why Mexico is not so unhappy about becoming less attractive to divers and underwater photographers. There is a rumour, for example, that no-wake zones for animals have been established not because of the animals, but to keep the cartels undisturbed. Honi soit qui mal y pense....
  17. Paracord was fast in delivering the products and I am ready to go. I measured 36cm from one shekel to the other. How long should be the paracord? 10m? Too short is stupid, too long increases the effort.
  18. AFAIK GoPro has never been in scope. So that doesn't matter. Having the camera in the housing might reduce the risk only a little bit - most of the customs officers know what they are searching for. So best is hoping for the green light if you hit the button.
  19. When I thought about testing the lens I noticed that the FOV would not increase despite the shorter lower end of the zoom range. Additionally I would need to buy another 35mm Nauticam extension. I think it's not worth the effort as the 28-60 performs extremely well. null
  20. This question is really interesting. The verdict of this lens says „weak corners“ but who cares about that? https://www.digitalkamera.de/Zubehör-Test/Sony_FE_24-50_mm_F2_8_G_im_Test/14107.aspx The large entrance pupil could be the downside if combined with WACP-C. But the constant length of the lens could be the positive aspect. I‘ll start researching and will come back to this.
  21. Great! Short enough to keep the attention high and beautiful images. It's the Lingcod that I liked most: Looking first like a still image then moving the eyes... Nice!
  22. Thanks @kallebumba that helps. My attachment bolts are at least 28cm apart, so 35-36cm of total length should fit. Just placed my order at paracord, took 30m, should be enough.... 😁
  23. Hi Makaron, hi Tim, You convinced me. Looking at my housing the distance between the two holes in the plates is already 28cm. I'd prefer shackles and strong colors, so I'll do one by myself. How much paracord do I need? 5-10 times the length?
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