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Additional Info

  • Camera Model & Brand:
    Nikon D800E
  • Camera Housing:
    Subal D800
  • Strobe/Lighting Model & Brand:
    INON Z240


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Anemone (3/15)

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  1. I hope the new Inon ZXXX will keep both connection with: 5 pin sync cord and fiber optic cables.
  2. Hi, where did you get the nice stainless steel buttons? Thanks
  3. Thanks Mark, this is a good news. Let’s wait for the release
  4. Thank you Chris and Alex for your prompt and exhaustive answers. Now I have a better view of possibilities: swithing to mirrorless means scrapping 50% of my old Nikkor AF-D lens.
  5. Hi, are there any suggestion for a good adapter in terms of brand and type, in order to use Nikkor F lens on Sony A7 cameras? Of course the adapter has to keep camera’s features (e.g. AF) and fitting with the UW housing space. Any advices from who has already the experience are very welcome. Thanks and Merry Christmas Enrico
  6. Thank you Tim, I’m looking forward! Congratulation to all organizers, who made this possible.
  7. Greetings to all, and happy to join this new Group after the experience in Wetpixel. Initiated UW Photo in the early 80s, now I dive with rebreather and my housing. Sea or fresh water (lake) doesn't matter, important is to be under the water in any season.
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