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lutfu last won the day on April 10

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  1. Fireworms terrible here under every stone may be. They eat all the dead things but not leaving anything to othes What about puffer fish torquigener flavimaculosus Do you see them. They are increasing so fast here...
  2. Excatly May be 7 8 years ago when it started to be seen at Turkey seas (East Mediterranean Turkish Coast even earlier) We saw one in three tunnels diving point in Fethiye(where Mediterranean joins with Aegean sea) where i live. So to that point all the dive centers started tours just to see one lionfish in Mediterranean. Now last year even an UN supported lionfish hunting project had been occured. Who hunted the most amount , Who hunted the biggest , and who hunted the smallest lionfish were awarded by a go pro 10 or 11 i think So they are increasing so quickly
  3. Hello As it is mentioned in the title im looking for a mzcro port N85 29 SKU # 36165 Thanks
  4. Thaks a lot Tim regards Lutfu
  5. Hello Davide No i just loaded the video file to the page. It is not from you tube or vimeo Regards Thanks a lot Im glad you enjoyed it Regards
  6. Hello This is a well known Turkish dive place İt is called Turkish Bath in Fethiye
  7. Thanks a lot Davide İ will start mediterranean soon 🙂
  8. Thanks a lot. This was filmed in Dumaguete Philippines Regards Lutfu
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