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  • Camera Model & Brand:
    Canon 7DmkII
  • Camera Housing:
  • Strobe/Lighting Model & Brand:
    Inon z240 type IV (2x)
  • Accessories:
    Several kg of them!


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Polyp (1/15)

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  1. I do not know about performance of the lens, but where to buy it you can try https://www.unterwasserkamera.at
  2. Hi everybody. Thanks to the waterpixels team for the development of this new location of discussion and knowledge sharing on underwater image. as I understood, it will not be easy to bring all the legacy from wetpixel forum. It would be interesting if it was possible to bring the “rating” (community reputation) for the members that are moving from wetpixel. This would help to protect the community from “predatory” users that unfortunately will come to this new site. i am sure the team will be able to think about a secure way to validate this passage (via PM on wetpixel with the user identifying the new user at waterpixels?) BR Pedro Alves
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