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Mark Don

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Everything posted by Mark Don

  1. Four photos from last years main dive trip, location needs no introduction to those that have dived there. TG6, AOI air lens and strobes
  2. Would you send overseas? How old is the system? What size is Port opening?
  3. The other option is a pair of Sea & Sea YS-D3 II Lightning Underwater Strobe. Previous Chinese made versions had some issues but the new generation are supposed to be better.
  4. Interesting to see if they have improved the white balance, if so then that could finally tip the balance over the 6700 in my next purchase
  5. @wetdreamsI did look at Fujifilm but discounted on cost, it seemed a great set up but was too much of a stretch @John E would be interested to see what you've got, did not look at the EM1 closely, will start that study Has anyone used the Tokina 10-17 lens with a Sony a6700, read some reviews that AF was a bit inconsistent with previous versions of the Sony, but AF has supposedly improved with the a6700
  6. After using stick ons for a few years, I added +2 reader lenses to my Tusa Ceos Freedom mask in December and it was a game changer, can read all the dials and screens a lot better and long distance is fine. Only used them on a 2 week trip to Thailand, not sure it improved my photography as only 20-30 great shots from the 15 dives I completed
  7. Whilst not a photo I took, it is a photo of me at Koh Haa looking to take photos, but is my favourite of this year The credit for the photo goes to Matt Pearson @ Sub-Motion www.sub-motion.com
  8. In the early to mid 90's there was one at White Rock Koh Tao called Trevor who would regularly take chunks out of divers fins and on occasions legs, when he died he was replaced by Tyson who was even more aggressive and would knock masks off etc. I got chased a few times I may have the names the wrong way round as it was 30 years ago and Koh Tao was a very different island back then to now although still a PADI factory
  9. A nice Titan Trigger fish in Koh Has November 23 - TG6, Air M52 lens
  10. Thanks all for the help, you have basically given me really strong directions and after lots of reading around my current thoughts are:- 1 - Look for a second hand housing for Olympus EM-1 ii or newer or Sony 6400 or newer (hopefully 6500+) either Nauticam of Isotta 2 - If I cannot find a set up by April then will look at a new Isotta set up for probably the OM-1. The isotta set up seems to be a lot better value than Nauticam both in base unit cost and accessories 3 - Aim for small dome, if Isotta housing will be a choice between Zen and their own one in glass 4 - First lens will be Tokina 10-16 with metabones adapter, although it appears that this lens will not do AF on video with an Olympus body, so may end up with a second WA lens for video 5 - Ensure I have a leak detection system on the housing 6 - Body will probably be second had and picked up in Japan unless a deal pops up that is better value 7 - Pick up a 60mm macro lens at a later date I have steered clear of the canon range mainly due to cost and the fact that Isotta housings fro Canon are about a €1,000 more than Olympus and Sony It will probably change a few times more times but at the moment these are the sets ups I keep coming back to
  11. TDBP - The Dogs B******s Port, for anything 10 inches or bigger
  12. Here is a recent one, TG6 M52 Air
  13. This may help, doesn't look like it is available yet https://briansmith.com/monsteradapter-developing-la-fe2-lens-adapter-af-support-for-nikkor-d-type-lenses/
  14. @bghazzal agree with what you say. Mic21 can be expensive for imported dive gear, but strobes and some accessories are a lot cheaper than Europe. My wife allow manages to pick up decent beachwear cheap and got her snorkelling kit there as masks etc fitted better and are prettier. Some of the dive computers were decently priced but some were expensive. A diver friend with a japanese wife picked up all her kit there as it was difficult to get correctly sized kit in Europe but she got a mix Gul and Western brands Like you say the golden days for Japan was the 80 and 90's for new camera equipment by the 90's it was far cheaper in HK (if the triads didn't rip you off) and Singapore than Japan generally. Electronics have been a mixed bag, generally prices similar but models used to be 8-12 months earlier than europe however this gap has reduced and apple products are more expensive than the States. The second hand market is very different and I still think there is value there compared to Europe and the quality/ choice is very good So much of whether Japan is cheap is dependent on FX rates and converting from GBP in the last few years has been awful, but is getting better, it would be great if it would weaken by another 10% and then with the sales tax rebate it helps. The OM-1 set up I was looking at is about £500 cheaper if I buy lenses and body second hand in Japan than second hand in UK and £1200 cheaper than new kit. The exception like you say is housings, these seem to have global pricing bar ikelite which is slightly cheaper through backscatter. So if I go down the Nauticam, Isotta or Aluminium route then I will be trying to get a deal of UK shop I think the internet and visibility of pricing has ruined a lot of the pricing arbitrage across may sectors as it is definitely closer than it was, however there are still bargains to be had in sectors. I have a penchant for Japanese denim and that is 50% cheaper in Ueno / Harajuku then I get in London or the USA
  15. I have a pair of Symbiosis SS-2 at the moment, i think they have a number 33 but that might be over stated. At some point the strobes will change to either y3 or the replacement of the Z-330 if ever released, but camera will come first and replacement strobes will be at least 12 month later At this stage OM-1 is looking doable with 3 lenses fro £3000 to £3500 mix of second hand, however the compromise is that is with the AOI housing, will not dive deeper than 45 metres, so depth not an issue but am concerned about the poor white balance for video not that video is the primary purpose
  16. I have an advantage as my wife is Japanese so have a translator and we have a couple of family addresses in Japan I can use, however you need be able to explain what you want to non english speaking staff and your right bargaining is frowned upon, a cheeky one time ask is OK though. Mic21 is good shop and often has some bargains, that is where I will pick up next set of strobes as a lot better value than Europe Thanks for the tip of JCH another good area in general for second hand camera shops is Ueno however English will not be widely spoken in these shops and I normally spend a day around there anyway picking up obscure denim but JCH will probably save some leg work
  17. I use Map for online checking as the translation is good, I would visit Bic if in countryI do not know any real specialist stores unfortunately but will probably keep an eye out whilst in the usual places in Tokyo (Shibuya, Shinjuku and Akihabra etc). Although I expect I will probably use Map as the choice is always good, quality is high and prices keen. The tax refund helps and FX rates moving upto 180 Y against GBP from 140 ish a couple of years a go is certainly helping. New gear is certainly cheaper in Tokyo for example the OM systems OM-1 body is £1250+ and after tax under £1100 in Japan and will probably be cheaper if you shop around
  18. Hi Tim Yes I meant Tokina, if I hold off the Rectilinear lens I might be able to stretch to an Aluminium body. The ikelite's can do fibre optic firing but you need a US$250 kit which adds a bit onto the cost. Back to the spreadsheets 😞
  19. Thanks Chris and Tim you've helped loads I do think a spreadsheet is the way to go unfortunately 🙂 My thought process now is concentrate on lenses, then housing then ports and possibly pick up a body second hand. Looking at lenses, the Tamron, is probably set, a rectinler lens and a 90 - 100 mm macro.Good news is I can probably get all the lenses required in Tokyo for less than $1200-1500 second hand, serviced and almost as good as new, so that would allow me some flex on the housing, body and ports. On housings, Ikelite seem good value would you concur or should I just splash out for a nauticam? On Bodies the Olympus Om-1, Canon EOS R7, Sony a6700 are currently leading the way and if bought in Japan would be $1000-1500 Which leaves around $2K for ports and housing, so at this stage it looks workable with Ikelite housing just need to build that spreadsheet
  20. Thanks Tim, you have helped me rule out FF which was in the mix. I am not too worried about strobes as I have a decent set and can / will pick some up in Japan at 50% of UK costs at some point if I need new ones and have decent arms, clamps etc, The camera will be used for travel so size is important, but hadnt thought of starting with the lenses and working backwards - The initial lenses that keep popping up are :- Canon EF 16-35 mm f/4L Tokina 10-17 mm But completely flexible, again I maybe able to pick up cheap lenses in April in Japan, so maybe that is where I start
  21. I have circa GBP4,000 or US$5,000 to spend on a new underwater set up, moving up from a TG6, primarily shoot stills but do want some video capability. Looking for a mirrorless set up that I can really grow into and am happy to have a mix of new and second hand equipment to hit the price point but will need to include Body Lenses - Both Fish eye / Wide Angle and Macro Port - Dome Housing with optical connectors and vacuum I have a tray, arms, strobes etc At the moment am looking at either a Canon or Sony. But if you were starting out / starting again what would you go for?
  22. I loved the article as Japan is so often overlooked and offers great diving, good to hear it is easier to find English speaking shops as it is always been painful, but I have been travelling to Japan for over 30 years and always forget how much easier it has got over the years, the first few trips where very hard with hardly any signage in English. It has become a lot easier after the football world cup, Rugby world cup and the ill fated olympics, I just wish the hotel costs in Tokyo had stayed at their Covid levels, as they seem to have bounced up massively. My wife is japanese and we always use the luggage service from the airport to get our bags to her home and vice versa and have used it to send gear to shops, I love the concept. I haven't managed to get 200 bar yet, the have all been 190-185 but maybe it is just where I dived and not seen a tank over 12 litres, normally offered 10 and I request 12. Not tried a japanese drysuit but that is something I might need to checkout, my favourite surfing suits where always Japanese Izu is on the list to visit and I think the next trip I will dive Mikomoto, but timings are always limited due to family commitments
  23. There are two other dive centres on Ishigaki that cater to westerners Viking Divers - A japanese guy and his swedish wife and Prime Scuba, both good operations. Viking very small & boutique with a great guide and prime a larger dive set up with a better boat but more divers
  24. Great article and got a few bits to add:- You can often ship all of your dive gear to a shop ahead of you visiting and they will wash and ship it back to you. There is a wide network of baggage handlers set up for this and often its 24 or 48 hours and is very cheap Tanks are often small and in Okinawa are often filled to only 180bar and I have been told this is a law Strobes etc are about 50% of the price in Europe with the sales tax discount and there is a thriving second hand market for dive camera gear You will often quiet easily find english speaking guides in the Okinawa islands, it is slightly harder on the main islands, but is possible If you are on a dive boat then the lunches can be amazing If you are a westerner diving in Japan you will get a lot interest from the local diving population as they are not used to seeing westerners dive and are very proud of their diving Some of the best wetsuits if the world are made in Japan, Yamamoto neoprene is so comfortable and super stretchy The photo below is from Ishigaki a couple of years ago
  25. No just using a TG6 and a pair of Symbiosis SS-2's but his presets have really helped, it costs nothing to download them and try them out
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