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  1. I can see lots of potentials at this system. 1) You can use 4 models of cameras with no limitations. 2) The extra battery can allow me to install it in BRUVs and other systems for long term timelaps data collection or for long data collection for underwater photogrammetry (coral reef monitoring, seagrass restoration sites monitoring, etc). 3) The M16 ports can allow me to add extra control or sensors With ~ 2k i can build a versatile system with lots of scientific applications.
  2. Happy New Year folks !! Wishes for MORE TIME to use our existing equipment and less time to web-search for better equipment !!
  3. Is that still available?
  4. i have not yet test it but seems that will be the ONLY one plugin in PS that i will buy. In regards to video, as video = photos in dense sequence, i cannot see problem to be implemented apart from the time that will need to process that. Why not asking the developer for such a great tool?
  5. An interesting filter appears > https://www.goaskerin.com/backscatterxterminator/ Seems that in an automated way, inspired by astrophotography (see the history below), backscatter problems disappear in the postprocessing HISTORY OF BSXT Backscatter is a notorious problem for underwater photographers, and the idea for BSXT came about when Bruce Warner, a colleague of Erin Quigley, recognized an unexpected parallel between backscatter in underwater images and star fields in astrophotography. In both cases, tiny bright spots—whether particles in the water or stars in the sky—stand out against a darker background, and this shared visual issue sparked a great idea. Erin and Bruce approached the astrophotography AI software genius Russell Croman of RC Astro, and the rest is history! RC Astro was founded in Austin, Texas, by Russell Croman to create innovative solutions for astronomical image processing. Russell’s award-winning work has appeared in online and print publications including NASA’s Astronomy Picture of the Day (16 photos) and National Geographic. He won the Advanced Imaging Conference’s Hubble Award in 2010 for significant and sustained contributions to the astrophotography community, and in 2024 he won the Photographic Society of America’s Progress Award, an honor he shares with Jacques Cousteau who won the award in 1977. Russell’s astrophotography tools have revolutionized the field of astrophotography, and are used world-wide by professionals and amateurs alike. Has anybody use it yet? I see that @Alex_Mustard in FB post has already test it.
  6. Farewell to the torch - for unknown reason, even the head has been damaged. And repair is worth ... Now on the quest for a good replacement (no canister torch for now).
  7. Quite interesting is the "depth"sensor which add this info at the metadata. Usefull for marine ecology / biodiversity studies at shallow waters. Not clear if it will work also when you use the housing (assume no).
  8. Seems a great package (that also fit 80D)! On the R5 - since am also a user of Aquatica (80D/50D), i move to Canon R7 (Nauticam now) and it worth every penny in comparison to 80D. Just keep it as backup system.
  9. It is something that KELDAN should make it by just upgrading the cap of the backdoor. It will give extra safety in various situations (even for dummies like my mistake).
  10. is the discontinued Dive 4S model - not video light but actual torch. Now they have the 8S model. So, i have mixed feelings .... cost of DHL + service + battery ....
  11. Keldan ask to send the torch for inspection as well since damage might occur also to the head. Battery is dead! And here come the question, should i send it or buy a new (Bigblue TL4800P LED dive light / tech light or analogous)? And making a comparison with my Weefine Solar Flare 13000 Lumen (i own the previous version of 12000 Lumen), what i see as a missing part is the vacuum valve that Weefine have. Maybe that has to be a standard (?) to high end lights and torches (even for tec dive) since that componet of equpment makes you to use is as mandatory step.
  12. Just email them - i will see with an engineer if we can test the proprietary circuit, if is alive or not. Lesson learned ...
  13. As the title says, if you don't check that the cap is tight at the battery area, then you will flood it.... The light (is the keldan torch) seems to be alive as i can understand that is sealed with resin from the battery area. And i have to fix the Keldan Battery 49 Wh Li-Ion. New cost nearly 400 euros, so any advice how to fix it will be great. As i understand, 4 18650 with a microcontroler and the changing are are what makes the battery pack. How to proceed?
  14. We have done it for several missions and still use it. Small dome (4", 4"3) and hang the rig on the right d-ring with a double boltsnap. No covers, etc or tight the neoprene cover, otherwise you will loose it. You travel fine and when reach the target, you stop etc. SUEX has nowadays several solutions to be used and am on the doorstep to buy one.
  15. Highly propable > https://projectseahorse.org/blooming-beauty-of-stratoni/. A bizzare colony exist there, with running activities by a local club.
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