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  1. https://www.photoreview.com.au/news/products/laowa-announces-6-new-lenses-at-cp/ Unfortunately I haven't seen much beyond that, but it could be a new UW option, specifically developed for mirrorless cameras. The biggest question is whether it has autofocus (probably not 😞), but it's nice to see more options becoming available
  2. Some great examples of images improved by the reduced depth of field - especially the frog 🙂
  3. A left-field suggestion for an ultracompact rectilinear option - I tried out the Panasonic 9mm 1.7 with the 3.5in dome and 20mm extension. It worked far better than I expected! It doesn't focus right onto the dome, but it comes close. The corners are probably mediocre, but I'm not surprised by that. I don't know if anyone else has tried this lens out, but I enjoyed it 🙂
  4. Just the 140mm dome
  5. If you get no interest in Europe, I have one I can ship from NZ(!).
  6. Thanks Phil, that's super helpful. It sounds like it could be an interesting option for ultra-compact setups for MFT or compact, to replace my s2000s (one died, hence the reevaluation). I'll wait for the release to see how the light quality, beam angles, etc all work out 🙂
  7. Any info on the Marelux Apollo Nano, Phil? I saw https://www.bluewaterphotostore.com/marelux-strobe-apollo-nano-strobe/ and was wondering if it was going to be a competitor for the S-220 & YS-01. The Apollo S looks okay to me, though it seems manufacturers aren't even trying to get strobes to be close to neutral in the water now. The small size is great, but not if I need chunky buoyancy arms to compensate 😞
  8. Sadly mourning the demise of Wetpixel, while hoping that Waterpixels takes off 🙂
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