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    United Kingdom

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  • Camera Model & Brand:
    Olympus EM10iii
  • Camera Housing:
  • Strobe/Lighting Model & Brand:
    Retra pro max


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  1. Yep I used silicone- still needed help getting the front bumpers on/off
  2. I splurged on these for my trip to lembeh last month (previous strobe died end September and less replacement options now) I did really enjoy using them. I like how easy it is to change power with a positive click and see what power each strobe is on (previously had s2000 and the power button just keeps rotating and is too small for me to see well). i haven’t worked out how to use the pilot light yet! I found the front bumpers really hard to get on - my hands are too small/weak - so needed help pushing it on the last mm and taking off. Hopefully it will stretch a little with time. i tried the beam restrictors and macro rings this trip - I’ve never used a snoot and so thought that a step too far at this point!!
  3. I have astigmatism and am getting more long sighted as I get older I have disposable contact lenses - one lens for near vision and one for distance (+4.5 and +1.5 or so) and your brain sorts it out - it’s been great but I think I’m probably on the limit of this working now as the differential is getting high so am looking at next options, especially for macro, this thread is very useful thanks
  4. Hi 👋 I’m Karen, I live in South Wales - I am currently on a learning curve with an Olympus EM10iii, having previously used a compact. looking forward to learning from you all 🐙
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