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Posts posted by TimG

  1. 4 hours ago, ianmarsh said:

    I am only putting this up as a discussion starter, since this was a strong thread on the old website

    I don’t know if this situation has settled, but maybe transferring old posts or new info here could be helpful going forward.


    Thanks for getting this rolling, Ian. Definitely worth a thread. 

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  2. A number of member have asked if we can post a glossary of common underwater photography/videography abbreviations.


    So, we offer:



    AE-L: Automatic Exposure Lock

    AF-C: Auto Focus-Continuous - camera focuses continuously

    AF-LAuto Focus Lock

    AF-S: Auto Focus-Spot - camera holds focus in one spot 

    APS-C: Cropped sensor

    AWB: Auto White Balance

    BR: Buyers remorse - the regret of not getting the pricier model
    CA: Chromatic Aberration

    CAF/CDAF: Contrast-detection autofocus. 
    CFWA: Close Focus, Wide-Angle

    CMC: Compact Macro Converter

    DOF: Depth of Field

    DX: Nikon cropped sensor 

    EMWL: Extended Macro Wide Lens

    ETTR: Exposing to the Right

    EVF: Electronic Viewfinder

    EXIF: Exchangeable Image File Format

    FCP: Fisheye Conversion Port (Nauticam)*

    FFCP/FCPX: Final Cut Pro editing software

    FE: Fisheye 

    FF: Full Frame sensor

    FOV: Field Of View

    FPS: Frames per second

    FX: Nikon full frame sensor

    IQ: Image Quality

    IS: Image Stabilization with different manufacturer declination

       Canon - IS (Image Stabilization)

       Fujifilm - OIS (Optical Image Stabilization)

       Nikon - VR (Vibration Reduction)

       Panasonic - Power OIS (Power Optical Image Stabilization)

       Sony - OSS (Steady Shot)

    LR: Adobe Lightroom 

    MFT or M4/3: Micro Four-Thirds 

    PDAF: Phase-detection autofocus.

    PS: Adobe Photoshop 

    SMC: Supermacro Converter

    SOOC: Straight Out of Camera

    SS: Shutter Speed

    TTL: Thru The Lens (in u/w photography usually refers to the automatic camera control of strobe output)

    WACP: Wide-Angle Correction Port or Wide-Angle Conversion Port (Nauticam)*

    WWL: Wet Wide Lens (Nauticam)*


    * for all Nauticam wet lens, read the detailed explanation in this article: 




    ALTERNATIVE suggestions we thought it important to include:


    WACP:  Wow Awesomely Cool Port, What A Cool Port

    FCP: F***ing Cool Port

    FFO: Fish F**ked Off

    GBSM: Go Broke Saving Money

    TDBP: The Dog’s B*****ks Port

    GAS: Gear Acquisition Syndrome

    LBA: Lens Buy Addiction

    BR = Buyer Remorse


    Please feel free to offer additional suggests (and Alternatives) which we will add to this list


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