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Posts posted by TimG

  1. The issue with full-frame bodies and a rectilinear lens of that range is the size of the dome and the degree to which you are happy with blurry corners.


    Unless there is something unusual about the RF15-35 lens design (and I'm not a user) a 6" dome is very small indeed for that type of rectilinear dome.


    As you may well have read on lots of posts, rectilinear lanes are best used with big domes. 8" are sort of ok-ish, 9" better. But lots of folks use even 9" domes with a Sea&Sea correction lens. All of this to achieve corners that they find acceptably sharp.


    My experience has been with the Nikon 16-35 on full frame. Using an 8" dome produced corners which I thought blurry; a 9" dome was much better but still not corner-sharp. I would not even try with a 6" dome. I gave up in the end as cost, transportability and IQ just became not worthwhile - and went with a Sigma 15mm FE. Problems solved! 


    I can't offer any thoughts on the SeaFrogs combination. Maybe they have a magic formula for over-coming the issue.......

    • Like 2
  2. 1 hour ago, CaolIla said:

    A question : Why do you want this 613 core fiber optic cable ?

    I use simple 3mm (1core) fiber optic cable. It works well, i have no problems (also with my retra pro X 😉 )

    The cost for such cable is near nothing 

    Have you tried the 1 core with the Retras set to TTL? I don’t use TTL but I’d be intrigued to know how that works with non-613. 

    • Like 1
  3. 6 hours ago, bvanant said:

    There are a couple of ways to do this.

    1. I will pay for the fiber and postage to a single or maximum 2 European/UK address(es) and get reimbursed by someone.

    2. Someone in the EU/UK buys the cable and has it shipped to me. I will then ship ($20ish) to Europe/UK and get reimbursed for the shipping by someone. 


    Let me know


    Hey Bill


    i was going to suggest option 2.


    Last time we did this the cable arrived on a huge cardboard drum. if we went with option 2, it be great if you could unpack it and just coil it into a Jiffybag. If you ship it to me, I’ll cut, repack to individuals for shipping in the EU or U.K.  


    For Stiebs, I’d happily ship to Oz, but bear in mind, the consignment would have got hit entering the EU for taxes etc. Postage to Aus would then be added on and, I guess, Aus import duties too on arrival Down Under. It could get very pricey. Unless Bill would be happy to go with his option 1 and ship one batch to EU and one to Aus. 

    • Like 1
  4. I don’t mind organising the distribution in the EU and U.K.  I did it last time. But I can’t do anything before the middle of the month. Many thanks to Bill for his offer of help - which he’s done kindly before too. 

    I suggest anyone wanting cable repeats their order now setting out exactly how much they want and the final country for destination. 

    It’s hard to be exact on price until the goods arrive and we know the full costs including taxes, handling etc. Based on the US total cost of about $9 a metre, I’d guess that cable shouldn’t cost more than, say, €20 a metre.  But that’s a guesstimate. When the time comes I’d ask people to make payment to either my U.K. or NL bank account. I’ll set out all the costs and calculations. 

  5. Guys, I’m traveling at the moment and back in about 2 weeks. I’d be happy to sort this out with @bvanant when I’m back but can’t at the moment. If anyone in EU would like to step in, then by all means. 

    Please do bear in mind that with shipping, import duties and, doubtless “handling fees” the final cost could easily be doable the US list cost. 

    If someone has a bit of time, could they research the Asahi FRG office angle?

  6. 3 minutes ago, bghazzal said:

    Hi - I'd just like to signal that the edit timeline is currently much less than 24 hours - probably 8 hours I'd guess.

    Being a little clumsy, I often come back to posts to try to correct typos, formatting etc, and have had my fingers snapped by the deadline a few times (just did now actually, paragraph I'd added was zapped as the thread was now edit-locked in the meantime)


    It would be great to return to 24 hours editing deadline if possible 🙏





    Thanks! We can take a look at this. I think the general idea was on Classifieds so that a seller couldn’t make a sneaky change. But a move to 24 hours seems reasonable to me. 

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  7. If she’s asking in more general terms as to how to improve images based on this pic, I’d say think a little more about composition and framing.

    As Chris points out, the hydroid is in the way. So she could have moved to the right, moved a bit closer and maybe gone for a portrait shot rather than landscape. Using the rule of thirds, I’d have been tempted to try and get the eye in the upper third, left intersection - and shoot slightly upwards. The more the shot would be up, the more dramatic the image. 

    If she has a snoot, use that for the lighting. 

    • Like 2
  8. 16 minutes ago, SwiftFF5 said:


    Yeah, I hope that when the time comes to purchase a GH7 and housing, that my current GH5 and housing might have some residual value to offset the upgrade cost.  We will see, I guess.

    It’s the hope that kills you. Just don’t hold your breath…..

    • Like 2
  9. 1 hour ago, fruehaufsteher2 said:

    I measured 36cm from one shekel to the other. How long should be the paracord? 10m?



    I use 12:1. So (36cms minus a little bit for the connectors) x12


    Bon courage!

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