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Everything posted by dhaas

  1. Inon S220 Strobe(s) - 2 available with spare o-rings, Inon Silicone Grease New model with mount forward, cord attachment towards the rear making for easier configuration. GN 22 is understated and beam angle of 140 degrees horizontal by 100 degrees vertical provide great coverage with no diffuser. * One strobe - $325.00 shipped * BOTH strobes - $600.00 shipped. US shipping only in 2 business days from confirmed PayPal or Zelle payment. No returns. Contact Directly: davidhaas4596@gmail.com 330-329-5981 EST zip code 44224
  2. Blue Force One has been our preferred choice for 3 trips now and they deliver! DH
  3. Disembarked Blue Force One in Maldives Feb. 13th after 10 days diving. Fabulous dives with some deep plus currents but great fun 🙂 My simple camera rig continues to surprise me....... I did many dives with no wide angle "Air Lens". My simple Fantasea F Series Air Lens restores my Canon G7X II compact camera's 24mm focal length. Without it essentially 24mm X 1.25 flat port refraction = 30mm focal length. Being able to shoot moderate 30mm focal length was an advantage on drift dives or other challenging situations. Clear water helped and the Inon S220 with GN 22 provided plenty of power for my 1" sensor 20.1 Megapixel files. Next trip to Bali in May I may refine the simplicity even further!
  4. Headed back to Maldives Feb. 3-13 🙂 Taking my easy traveling Canon G7X II compact, Fantasea housing and one Inon S220 mounted in the cold shoe. Best part is the whole thing floats so I won't lose it no matter what! DH
  5. For those contemplating a compact camera set up here's a thread I posted over on Scubaboard........Too many pics and such to duplicate so I thought this would be easier for anyone interested. https://scubaboard.com/community/threads/anyone-gone-from-an-apsc-advanced-compact-to-a-point-and-shoot.641886/page-2 And the text is here: Olympus TG6 /7 - Macro and microscope mode for macro is great even with the small sensor and basically two f-stop choices. Certain strobes like AOI Q1 RC and Backscatter MF-2 can do RC controlled flash which is super accurate automatically. Can capture decent WA shots in good light. Easy set up with several videos out there help minimize menu confusion. Sony RX100 V, VA, even VI / VII - 20 megapixel 1" sensor with great autofocus, all TTL flash (no manual flash choice to conserve battery power) but most small strobes pair well for very good flash control. Macro challenging even with diopters but good wide angle lens options make this choice a good one. Menus can be "challenging" but larger 1" sensor than Olympus TG-6-7 makes for better wide angle and medium fish shots in sharpness. Most models have great 4K video too. Canon G7X (original if shooting JPEG as first G7X had really slow RAW processing improved on G7X II and III.) All original G7X, G7X II and G7X III have a 20 megapixel 1" sensor and fast 24-100mm f 1.8 - 2.8 lens producing nice images in macro, fish and wide angle. Some folks complain AF (autofocus) being contrast versus Sony's dual pixel AF is a little slower. In real world shooting it's not as big a deal as some make it out to be. Flash control choice of AUTO (TTL) which pairs great with any S-TTL (Slave TTL automatic flash) plus can do manual flash at low power to conserve battery if one chooses to set flash units manually. Easiest menus to learn and use. Also has best white balance for ambient light shooting color balance. Most housings have 67mm threads for adding SUPER macro lenses or a variety of wide angle options from low cost to expensive depending on housing. I am biased as a lazy traveling warm water diver. I sold all my remaining SLR gear in 2016 and switched to compact shooting since then. Recently I even leave behind tray, arms, etc. and only shoot one strobe (currently Inon S220) mounted on my Fantasea housing's cold shoe. Coverage is fine for me and set up and diving with a small rig is a breeze but that's my taste after diving 55 years. David Haas Compact Camera User 🙂
  6. SOLD...........
  7. Sale on this one didn't happen so still available. Great shape Inon S2000 shown with a 1" Ball Mount, spare o-ring and grease - $265.00 shipped domestic US. Shipping in 2 business days from confirmed payment, no returns. Zelle payment preferred but could do PayPal Friends and Family to avoid extra % charges. Email directly: davidhaas4596@gmail.com or text call Eastern Time Zone, Ohio 330-329-5981
  8. Have Spot and Flood Beam.......
  9. Pair of barely used Light and Motion SOLA 1200 lights. Charge and run and includes box, manual and charger for each. Light Pair - $300.00 shipping included domestic US. Shipping in 2 business days from confirmed payment. Zelle preferred. No returns. Email: davidhaas4596@gmail.com Ohio phone / text: 330-329-5981
  10. WUS, That is a trip down memory lane when many of us figured how to get more than 36 frames per dive! LOL..... Your small Sony set up is certainly easier to dive with and as you say image quality is great. Yes, the limit on the Fantasea housing with a fixed port they chose to make it short limiting the Sony RX100 VI / VII to the 24-66mm focal lengths. This was a compromise but very few users would likely need to zoom to 200mm shooting tele-macro is a very small group of people. This also allowed the 67mm wide angle lenses even ones designed optimally at 28mm setting. As mentioned I am all about small size and ease of traveling with gear. Keep shooting and sharing ideas! David Haas
  11. sold.........
  12. Three available. I've tested all and they work. One, great shape shown with a 1" Ball Mount, spare o-ring and grease - $265.00 shipped domestic US. Second, a pair of Inon S2000 strobes. I tested these and they operate fine on S-TTL and Manual. These two have slight yellowing on the little diffuser (possibly rapid firing or?) but they work and light output is fine. $200.00 for BOTH shipped. Shipping in 2 business days from confirmed payment, no returns. Zelle payment preferred but could do PayPal Friends and Family to avoid extra % charges. Email directly: davidhaas4596@gmail.com or text call Eastern Time Zone, Ohio 330-329-5981
  13. Incredible parrotfish pic Rich !!!
  14. Here's a few more grabbed from many dive trips over the years since beginning shooting digital around 2001 (after years of film shooting.) One well known underwater photographer's words stuck with me several decades ago in a seminar I was lucky to attend (in 1990 I think) and we all shot FILM! You had to bring your BEST 10-20 slides for "review" !!!!! A bit intimidating but it was actually very beneficial to learn how to "see" like your camera / lens does. He said the most valuable thing the magazine he shot numerous stories for gave him was time in the water. I've subscribed to that over many years and nothing can replace it. I often tell folks how many pool hours I've logged checking out lenses, strobes, and practicing techniques etc. so my trips could be productive. Basically hedging my bets to get pics I was happy with....... Many trips I've used what some would consider "low level gear" as it's all I owned or could afford but it was great fun no matter what !!!! Get out there and enjoy our underwater world 🙂
  15. Over on the fading Wetpixel someone asked why no one ever recommends, talks, whatever about compact cameras as an option. People continually recommend only ILC (Interchangeable Lens Cameras) at all price points to anyone asking about compacts. I think it's despite the fact many divers do own and use them few stretch the limits and strive to get the best out of them. So with that thought in mind here's a 2023 Christmas present I posted over there :) No one needs to agree or disagree either! Just one more perspective on what I hope people coming to Waterpixels will find helpful. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! POSTED on "another forum" LOL....... Since around 2016 I've been using nothing but compact cameras: A Canon G7X II and a Sony RX100 VII in Fantasea housings. The Sony was challenging as my housing fixed port allowed 24-66mm focal range. The Sony RX100 VII has a 24-200mm optical lens, slower f-stop range though. I didn't care for Sony menus and other complications so went back to the Canon and it's all I use today. The Canon G7X II fixed lens is 24-100mm equivalent focal length with a fast variable aperture of f1.8 - 2.8. It works well with the 1" sensors on these compacts. I've used 67mm thread on wide lenses a couple times but mostly just use a pop on "Air Lens" that restores the 24mm focal length UNDERWATER. It floats and I can pop it off and let if float on my arm with a lanyard for fish or close up shooting. Many say a corrected 24mm is not wide enough but I tend to shoot "tight" filling the frame and for me it's been fine. The trade off of lighter weight and physical size traveling at lowest ISO of 125 I try and keep has been worth it. I've made some big prints and with editing capability continuing to evolve think compacts are sadly bypassed on the way to larger (more $$$$) systems. I think people don't just use them enough to get the best out of them. Your mileage may vary David Haas A few photos shot Nov. 2023 on my Raja Ampat Indonesia trip. Canon G7X II, Fantasea housing, one single Inon S2000 or a friend's borrowed Inon S220 which I now own a pair of. All of these were also taken with the strobe simply mounted in the cold shoe of my housing. I use an Inon Shoe Base II and YS mounts allowing up and down plus some swivel aiming. I'm an extremely lazy traveling UW photographer these days in case you can't tell
  16. Hi guys, Good job migrating all this to keep UW imaging alive 🙂 I'm just an "old guy" now 70 years old been diving over 55 years. I've been through the gamut from Nikonos to housed film SLRs (Nikon and Canon) then digital SLRs for 15 or so years. Since 2015 I changed exclusively to compact 1" sensor cameras, mostly the Canon G7X II but also above and below a Sony RX100 VII (which I don't have anymore.) I've also used my iPhone XR and now 13 PRO Max in a DiveVolk touch screen housing the past 3 years. I did 4 trips using nothing but my iPhone (Maldives, Red Sea, Fiji and Roatan) and enjoyed those trips for ease of travel and imaging capability. iPhones / smartphones are way more capable than many give credit !!!! My most recent trip to Raja Ampat, Indonesia in November I used my Canon G7X II and one strobe 95% of the time. Lighting with one small Inon S2000 or a friend's borrowed Inon S220 I now own a couple S220 units. I promote people shoot whatever they like but believe many cripple themselves with too much gear, overcomplicated ideas on how to simply get in focus well exposed photos but as I often state, "Just one old guy's opinion!" LOL...... My mantra is simplify, simplify, simplify both my diving, shooting UW and traveling 🙂 Have fun and I'm looking forward to the sharing ideas and more here on Watepixels! David Haas Stow OH USA
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