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  1. 2 pics at 12 inches. First is standard with Olympus Circular Fisheye Converter FCON-T02. As you can see, there is a huge circle of black around the Ikelite housing. (I know...it needs some lightening but the issue is the back circle. Second is using the camers's zoom removing the black surround. Same shooting distance but without the black surround. I've taken this camera on 1 dive trip and found the black circle to be incredibly distracting. Yes, I know I can use the zoom function and then use PhotoShop to manipulate the image. Needless to say, the Ikelite housing has a dome for this wide-angle application. Question: Should I place camera with Fisheye into the housing and dive, zooming into the image and removing the circular black. Seems like imaging would suffer from the zoom in. I'm an accomplished DSLR photographer but this little system has me puzzled! Thanks to all in advance!
  2. Does anyone know of an on-line course teaching the nuances of the TG series. I’ve spent hours on YouTube be need more! I’m a 20 your UW DSLR shooter but this system is vexing! Thanks
  3. Found em!
  4. Did you find them? I have a pair getting ready to post for sale
  5. Also suggest the Sea and Sea options
  6. Take a look on www.aliexpress.com searching for underwater photography. You won’t believe the diversity of selection!
  7. Gorgeous shot. Thanks!
  8. Any member thoughts on the reliability and performance of the Sea and Sea strobes? Opinions solicited. Is the YS-D3 better and if so, how, than the YS-D2 of which I have a pair. Just don't want to be on a liveaboard and have them crater. Sea and Sea vs Inon? Contrats to the Waterpixels people. GREAT board and nice work!
  9. The day that I wrote my intro, my refurbished US-D2 arrived. I'm almost afraid to send them in for service. I'm going to post this as a question.
  10. GREETINGS to the members of this amazing site! We only do liveaboards of which we've done nearly 32+ over the years! I've been a Nikon shooter for 48+ years and they've never let me down. About 20 years ago (before 911) I was schlepping a weighty Nikon D200 DSLR, lens, strobes, batteries, arms, Ikelite housing, domes, chargers, and all accessories in a Pelican suitcase. Every customs guy wanted to remove all the gear and place it on the customs tables. Sheesh...what a chore! THEN, I discovered the Nikon J4, Nikon UW housing, and Nikon and a Sea and Sea strobe. Many said this system was built to replace the obsolete Nikonos and RS systems. It worked pretty well for a long time, but I recently sold it. I've been on liveaboards where the photo people are shooting the Olympus TG-5,6, and now 7. SO...I recently bought that camera with the Ikelite housing and the Olympus fisheye dome. I haven't had it down under but looking forward to it. The only downside to this new system is one of the new Sea and Sea strobes (YS-D2) malfunctioned, requiring sending to Sea and Sea in Long Beach. Remarkably, I cannot get Sea and Sea to acknowledge the receipt of the defective unit NOR even acknowledge me! I met the Sea and Sea President, the Manager of Customer Servicer, and the International Sales Manager at DEMA. They all assured me they would take care of this issue. I've send 3 detailed request letters to Sea and Sea President, their Manager of Customer Service, and their International Sales Manager. NONE of them have responded. THIS is NOT the kind of Customer Service I am used to but hopefully they will read about my difficulties here. That's my intro and I'm eager to get into Waterpixels!
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