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  1. Go ahead! The second version of Z7/Z6 has faster auto-focus in my opinion and I prefer it for underwater.
  2. Selling Nauticam N100 to N120 35.5mm Port Adaptor in good condition. price: 280€ shipping from Europe
  3. Thank you! Unfortunately I do not have Edit permissions for some reason. 😞 Thanks for the suggestion otherwise.
  4. I've created a Thingiverse for the new Slider Mount. If admins can edit the initial post and put the link there it would be awecome! https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:6428566
  5. Thank you! I hope it will be of help for someone. The result is perfect. I've been shooting with it whole year now.
  6. After using my converted Nauticam box for several months and discussed the project with few people, I noticed that longer lens like Nikon Z 105mm Macro were a bit off to the top right corner if you look at the setup towards the lens. I debugged this and figured that the horse shoe on the Z6 and Z6 II camera is of different size. Fix: You just need to file a bit from the top support bracket's center (see the images). After that everything will be perfectly aligned exactly as in a original Nauticam Z7II box.
  7. Here's a black SLS print of the adapter which should be more precise, but I like the PLA more. And you can see the fit.
  8. I though it might be helpful to others if I share my experience in converting my Nauticam NA-Z7 housing to fit the newer Nikon Z6/Z7 II cameras. I've asked about that Nauticam and few dealers, but seems no one has tried to do it and Nauticam decided to release a newer version (which is expected as housing producer). After measuring and experimenting with the position of the camera and the original slider I came up with a 3D printed top part of the camera holder/slider. https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:6428566 The original Z6/Z7 is 2mm thinner than the new Z6/Z7 II, but it seems that these extra 2mm on the newer camera are mostly in the back. So I designed a new 3D printed slider that compensates for the new thickness. I can confirm that all the buttons work perfect and as you can see on the pictures - they are aligned great to the housing push mechanisms. One thing to consider is the top right rotating button on the camera. On the housing it has a spring mechanism, but it has around 4mm of travel thus it's also fine and you do not need to remove 2mm from its rubber to compensate. Steps: You need to remove around ~1.3-1.4mm from the top limiter rubber pins of the housing that supports the camera near the flash connector (I've included pictures) 3D Print the new part for the Camera Holder/Slider (the blue one) - I used FDM print at 50% fill PLC material and it cost me 5€. You can use ABS material as well and/or 80-100% fill which should be stronger, but I doubt it's needed. *) I've also ordered SLS print now (20€) and will post update here if it's necessary better Move the metal pin from the old holder to the new 3D printer one (picture included) Remove the original top part of the camera holder/slider and install the 3D printed one. Enjoy and post feedback here! I have spare 2pcs from the initial versions of the new holder. They are not perfect, but can be used without a problem. If someone is interested - PM me. (you can see them in the last picture) Here you can see all the pictures and details of the result: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1VrtpPggBuLzxIbv19X19sVbk_w00Hb-k?usp=sharing 
  9. Hi Everyone, I am "svilen" same as on wetpixel. I hope this community lasts and I am really glad to be part of it. Good luck underwater.
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