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Moray Eel

Moray Eel (6/15)

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  1. What time of the year did you take the video and is there a particular time you think is best? I do understand Mother Nature always has the last say on conditions. Great video, loved all the colors. I need to plan a trip to the area.
  2. Oh wow - good information. I just ordered a "Shark Skin" wetsuit with a thigh pocket for my next trip. I'm going to keep the lens in my pocket until I'm submerged then attach. Hoping that will protect this or any future wet lens. Camera rinse thanks on the boats scare me now.
  3. A huge omission in my last post was not mentioning the wide angle wet ens that I now use with the GoPro. A huge game changer in my opinion. The Inon wide angle. More important than the GoPro 12 or 13 or ....
  4. As Davide pointed out nothing beats good technique, buoyancy and all that good stuff we have all heard or read about before. Technology keeps moving forward at a quick pace. I began my passion for photography with a film Nikonos then went through all the iterations over the years with equipment (usually expensive too). Now I use a simple GoPro 11 with a tray and two video lights. I just posted my most recent video in the "showcase" Forum. Yes I'll eventually upgrade but I'll use what I have the best way I can until I break it or ....some real good promotional advertising will convince me I just need to have it !!! Well you probably know what happens next ... .
  5. The "cool" thing that I like about Mr Bud is that it looks like a shipwreck. That immediately drew my attention.
  6. Thank you for the kind words Davide. I'm using a simple "boomerang type" metal tray and two Sola video lights. I keep it really simple. I do believe the wet lens that I'm using is a game changer though. Close focus wide angle is my favorite shooting style.
  7. Yes David still using the GoPro and Inon lens however the glass has some marks on it - not deep scratches but marks I can't remove with a simple rubbing. Any suggestions would be very appreciated. I need to protect that baby from scuffs!! I agree the white balance is something I need to approve. I am Red/Green color blind so I had my wife help me with the color on that one clip in Final Cut Pro. But it still needs improvement. Thank you so much for the constructive comment. It will make me a better videographer!
  8. Unfortunately yes, but in small patches. Definitely bleached white though. Apparently the polyps are making a comeback with the change in seasonal water temps.
  9. I watched your video, very cool lots of tiger sharks that's for sure. Tahiti is on my very short list of dive destinations in the next couple of years for sure. Philippians first this May. Looks like a bit of travel logistics to get to Fakarakava but I'm sure worth it.
  10. Has anyone heard or dove either Cocos Islands, Galapagos Islands or Socorros Islands since this years 23/24 El Nino weather phenomenon? I would like to plan a trip to Cocos but would be interested in what the pelagic fish are doing. It's my understanding that El Nino warmer waters can affect the marine life.
  11. The California Channel Islands are a fantastic dive destination. As i see it there are two main options diving either the Southern Channel Islands out of Long Beach or San Pedro or the Northern Islands out of Venture or Santa Barbra. Southern Islands include: Catalina, San Clemente, (my favorite), Santa Barbara and San Nicolas but this island is very weather dependent. Northern Channel Islands: Anacapa, Santa Cruz, Santa Rosa and San Miguel Island. Usually local dive shops will charter boats and you can rent tank and weights with them. A really goos book with 98 dive spot descriptions is "A Scuba Diver's Guide to the California Channel Islands" By Dale and Kim Sheckler a resource I would highly recommend. Water is temperate a 7mm wetsuit with hood or even better and what i use is a drysuit. You can stay in Venture or Santa Barbra dive the Northern Islands and do a side trip up to Monetary do dive that area as well. I have few California scuba videos on my YouTube channel - Peter Neubauer I live in San Diego so i am close enough to have dove all the islands. Kelp forests are a great ecosystem to explore. Hope this helps
  12. I have tried this lens but never really got the hang of it. I think you are absolutly correct about getting the working distance dialed in. The close up example is really nice though, thanks for sharing - I may have to give it another try.
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