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  1. Another video using my GoPro 11 a couple of wet lenses and two, Light and Motion, Sola 3800 video lights. I'm considering investing in a housed mirrorless camera for additional focal lens capability. Not sure where to start any suggestions would be helpful. I would like to keep it as compact as possible.
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  2. Nice work, I'm liking the colors and compositions. I just got back from the Philippines and we also had bad weather in the form of heavy winds. Still a magical place.
  3. Awesome video you definitely selected the best clips from all those dives. I really like the drone footage too. This location has been on my bucket list for a long time.
  4. Hey Jim thanks for the detailed response, I truly appreciate it and it's another example of why this online community is so cool. Looking forward to seeing your photos or video from your trip to Cuba. For me the highlights are definitely the many sharks and those Goliath Grouper .... oh my!
  5. Wow thanks for the heads up and posting this unfortunate update. OK now the question is what brand of video light do people recommend? I've been using the Sola 3800 lights for quite awhile now and have been happy. I like to keep my underwater video rig small and compact using two lights. Eventually I'll need to upgrade to something new. Any thoughts?
  6. Congratulations nice video, thoroughly enjoyed watching it. Raja Ampat is on my short list of next dive destinations.
  7. I can imagine that. I dove the Thislegorm back in 2019 and have never seen so many divers on a wreck. It was comical. At one point I was kicked in the head by a diver coming in the opposite direction. We ended up diving it around four in the morning just to see the inside without the crowd.
  8. Which wet lens did you use for this clip? My biggest complaint with the GoPro has always been macro but after seeing your post and doing some web searching on the Inon site this looks very impressive. Heading to the Philippines in January and I'm thinking the G100 may be the perfect addition.
  9. Were all these clips taken with a GoPro? If so I'm impressed with the small subjects.
  10. Wow, very interesting! Love the close up into the mouth and all those teeth .... yikes! Nice work
  11. I would love to see the footage of the crocodile. That would have completed my video in my mind, however we can't forget we are dealing with nature and it just didn't happen. A hurricane tore through the area a week before so perhaps that was a factor.
  12. No actual crocodile !! Apparently they feed them raw chicken and you can photograph or take video of them from the water. Yes - I know it sounds crazy, but wow how cool would that be ..... of course as long as you don't get bit.
  13. Yes I have to agree about the White Balance. My weak point for sure I need to wrap my head around that with the GoPro. The ray - shark encounter happened so fast! Also, if you look at I think the last Grouper shot with his mouth open and look closely there is a lobster in his mouth. The dive master just feed him but unfortunately I didn't get that shot. Another shot that eluded me was the crocodile. Went looked for it twice but it never made an appearance. Argh .......
  14. For the first clip I used an Insta 360 camera since drones are not allowed in Cuba. The remaining video was taken with a GoPro 11 and a wide angle wet lens. Mounted on a tray with two, Light and Motion Sola 3800 video lights. Comments and constructive criticism always welcomed. Thanks for watching.
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