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  1. Based in Perth, Australia.. Looking for either a WWL1-B with bayonet mount, or an N120 Nauticam 180mm / Zen 170mm dome port. Also looking for a 20/35/45mm N120 extension. Thanks, Colby
  2. Thanks very much Massimo, look forward to the pending dome article and have been reading up a lot on your website already. So in my case with the N100-N85 adapter and Zen port I’ll have 50mm vs. adding the extra 20mm extender I’ll have on hand for 70mm, both likely not ideal then if 60mm total length is exactly correct. I guess I’ll aim to sell/trade the 20mm extender for a 10mm then and get it exact if the above combos don’t look any good. If the Sony 20mm 1.8 is not quite wide enough and causes issues with positioning in my Zen port, perhaps I can look at the Sigma 17mm or Tamron 17-28 lens then. Both of these lens with my current port options look to be cheaper than fitting the housing out with the WWL-1B and an entirely different lens setup. However I could also get the 32 flat port for the Sony 28mm lens fairly cheap as part of the sale of the housing.
  3. Hi @Chris Ross and @Interceptor121 thanks very much for your advice and suggestions. I believe I have the original DP-170 with 30mm extension so those tips are very helpful, will do some more research. FWIW I think the Zen is a fairly flat dome.. I am purchasing a secondhand NA-A7Siii housing to fit the A1 in, will see if I can figure out the flange distance online or hopefully in the next couple weeks when the housing arrives. They have also offered to include a 20mm extender but I’m not sure if it’s an N100 or N120 so may not be useful with the N100-N85 adapter. But if it is, would 70mm total be too much extension then? I guess I can play around with both adapter + 20mm if they are compatible and go from there. Cheers!
  4. Hi all, Posting a query as I have been unable to find answers since my last soirée into lens options for an upgrade to Sony full frame UW. I currently have a Zen DP-170 port for N85 system which I’ve been shooting with the Olympus 8mm fisheye for many years. I shoot Sony A7x topside and for a long time I have been wanting to consolidate to a single system for both. If I am able to upcycle my current Zen dome it will be a big win, but port charts are lacking updates on more recent lenses and combinations. I saw some previous posts on wetpixel by @Phil Rudin using the Sony 20mm f1.8 with the Nauticam 180mm + 30mm extender (attached below), so I know it’s possible to use this fantastic lens underwater. I wonder if anyone else has also previously owned a Zen DP-170 port and tried using it with the N100 port system / Sony 20mm f1.8? I note there is a Nauticam N100 to N85 20mm port adapter (Part #36471) available to fit N85 ports to N100 housings, but there isn’t really any info on people using this anywhere online. My Sony 20mm lens physically fits inside the N85 opening of my Zen DP-170 port, so with the right extension & adapter combination perhaps I may be able to get similar performance to Phil’s previous tests with this lens and the Nauticam 180mm + 30mm extender. Otherwise, perhaps I should save myself from going down the rabbit hole and just offload my Zen dome to go towards a new N100 180mm glass dome instead. I’ve been comparing this idea with the 28mm f2/28-60 + WWL1-B also, but I feel like the 20mm 1.8 that I already own will give better results to the WWL1-B combo however and closer to what I currently shoot UW (Oly 8mm fisheye). Any advice is much appreciated and I am also in the market for any secondhand ports/adapters mentioned. Cheers Colby
  5. Hi all, first post to the forum after a long time lurking on others’ posts. I’ve been shooting an Olympus EM1 since 2017 with a nauticam housing and zen 170mm dome, which has done me very well so far with fantastic performance in every aspect except for video work. The main reason for my intro is to post queries about my pending upgrade to a Sony full frame system underwater, which I have been wanting to pull the trigger on for some time now. You can check out my work at @colby__james on instagram.
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