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  1. Adjusting the price. WACP-C (85205) - €1500. Some minor scratches, including a small one on the front element that does not show up in any pictures. I often shoot sun balls etc. and have never seen any sign of the scratch. N120 to N100 25mm Port Adaptor (21325) - €150 Canon EF 28-80mm f/3.5-5.6 V USM - €60 Zoom gear: C2880f3.5V-Z (19559) - $100 Total price for all €1600. Sell preferably in EU and buyer pays freight.
  2. Agree Dave, unable to edit the first post so here are some new pictures.
  3. Hello, need to reduce my traveling weight and therefore is selling my WACP-C, together with the Port Adapter and Canon Lens (with zoom gear). Sold separately or together. WACP-C (85205) - €1900. Some minor scratches, including a small one on the front element that does not show up in any pictures. I often shoot sun balls etc. and have never seen any sign of the scratch. N120 to N100 25mm Port Adaptor (21325) - €150 Canon EF 28-80mm f/3.5-5.6 V USM - €60 Zoom gear: C2880f3.5V-Z (19559) - $100 Total price for all €2100. Sell preferably in EU and buyer pays freight. Include some pictures of the WACP-C and a couple shot with the WACP-C.
  4. Ha, that was both easy and quick. Apparently I only had to post one more comment (3rd) to become a sponge and that enable me to post in classified (at least it's not greyed out any more),
  5. As the title suggest, I'm trying to create an ad in classified, but it it grayed out - together with some other topics, suggesting that I'm lacking some access. Been searching the different topics but not been able to find out what I need to do... I would appreciate if anyone could clarify or point to where the info is. Thanks!
  6. Looks like Canon 28-70 / 28 - 80 do not work too well with FCP-1. Zoom range is only 32 - 70. You get basically the same range as WACP-C (142º vs 130º) for more than twice the price... Since the 28-80 and 28-70 protrudes a bit at both the end positions I assume there is too little room in front to accommodate these lenses fully. Too bad, I was interested in the FCP-1, but I guess I have to go with a WACP-C instead. Anyone selling theirs?
  7. So, I have been diving since 1982. Not that many dives per year, but consistently and have about 1000 dives. Started with photo round 2000, mostly to help with critter identification, but once in a while I got a "great" photo, and so the interest grew from that. Been through a number of different cameras and is currently shooting a Canon R5, Nauticam house with Retra flashes.
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