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  1. Very nice, Wags, thanks for posting your settings with the video. I like the way Horizon Balancing works for your videos. Also very nice color correction and conversion from Dlog-M. A couple of setting questions - what was your field of view setting and aspect ratio setting? For editing, did you use the official DJI LUT? What editing software did you use? --Gary
  2. Your handstrap looks good and I plan to weave one. A couple of questions: Did you use the double cobra weave? How long 4 mm bungie did you need (12:1 ratio)? Thank you!
  3. Thank you. This works for me, too1
  4. Unread Content or New Posts Button I find it useful to use an "Unread Content" or "New Posts" filter to keep up to date with new forum content as opposed to showing a"All Activity". Description of Unread Content: "Showing all content I have not read and posted for the last 365 days". Thanks!
  5. Gary Strek from Detroit suburb Grosse Pointe, Michigan and retired from the tech industry, hobby photographer, diver for 24 years. I've been shooting with a Sony a6000, Sea&Sea strobe, SaltedLine a6xxx housing and mostly using a Sony 30mm Macro lens. I am always looking to improve and learn. Most recently I purchase a DJI Osmo Action 4 that I plan to use for shooting u/w videos. My diving is in the warm, Caribbean water of Grand Cayman and Cozumel with occasional diving in the Florida Keys. Thank you for reinventing, continuing and improving WetPixel.
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