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Everything posted by WaterApe

  1. @UltralightCameraSolutions regarding getting things to hold well and twisting the knob tight enough, playing with my setup on land, i managed to wreck some clamps that were not up to the task 🫣
  2. Thank you all for your extensive feedback! Highly appreciated!! Just wanted to add that the described issue does not stop me from taking uw-photos 😉 , so nothing severe but annoying sometimes. Could be better, always trying to optimize... My Nauticam clamps are of the same age, quite new (<100 dives) and regularly cleaned. So I think the issue is a combination of different slightly ball sizes between Nauticam & Retra (don't have the tools here to measure the difference accurately) and maybe user error regarding the Nauticam to Nauticam connections while assembling the setup before diving. By design the clamps can be slightly angled, maybe not paying enough attention to close the clamp really even is causing this. As you can see on the pictures below, I swapped the Retra o-ring for a Nauticam one, but that didn't help much. I have a Nauticam M10 strobe mounting ball for housing [25221], that does not match the Retra one and the thread looks quite different, too.
  3. I can confirm that the connection between the Retra flashes and the Nauticam arms is the worst, probably due to slight differences in the ball diameters. I searched for a Nauticam ball I could attach to the Retra strobes, but couldn't find one yet. All arms and clamps are from Nauticam, but still sometimes mobility between them is uneven. @Kamaros: I'll give it try. I've sprayed them with WD-40, but not in a ziplock.
  4. Hi all! Been diving recently to prepare for an upcoming liveaboard and was remembered of an issue I have repeatedly with my strobe arms. When loosening the clamp between two float arms the mobility of one float arm starts way earlier on one side than on the other side. This happens on all ball joint connections (housing to float arm, float arm to float arm, float arm to flash). The clamps are fine, not twisted or the like. I even replaced the O-Rings on all ball joints without success. Anyone else experiencing this? Any tips on how to get a more even mobility?
  5. Just measured: The total length is 12,8 cm. Maybe 12,9 cm, difficult to judge exactly with a ruler due to the curved front element.
  6. Hi @JohnD! I use the Kenko C-AF 1.4x TELEPLUS PRO 300 on a Sony A7 III with a Metabones Smart Adapter V5 and a Canon 8-15. There is golden "DGX" and a white "Made in Japan" writing with a yellow dot printed on the other side. Works flawless. Assembling this setup is not as straight forward as using native Sony stuff, but since there is no native fisheye zoom yet this has to be accepted for now...null
  7. I use the Metabones V5 + Kenko 1.4 + Canon 8-15 + 140 mm dome on an A7III and i'm very happy with the focusing speed & results. I find the the ability to zoom invaluable - classic fisheye up to mild ultra wide angle is perfect for a lot of use cases, especially reacting to spontaneous closer encounters is way more doable than with a prime. The comparatively smaller footprint vs. a bigger dome really helps with manoeuvrability, too. At the widest settings there will be some minor vignetting from the 140mm dome shades, but zooming in 1mm removes that. Sharpness (apart from the outer edges even at f16) and flare resistance are notably better than the WWL-1b. null
  8. Hi all! Been scuba diving since 2008, loving (under)water since ever. Started with underwater video alongside my first diving certificate with a Canon Legria camcorder, next up was Sony RX100 V1 in 2012, bit the bullet and upgraded to a full frame underwater-rig in 2019. Focusing more on underwater photography now and trying to get better. Longtime Canon shooter overwater, chose Sony for underwater due to more mature mirrorless lineup & smaller form-factor in 2019. Currently using: Sony A7III in Nauticam Housing Canon EF 8-15mm f4 + Kenko 1.4 Teleconverter + Metabones Smart Adapter V5 + Nauticam 140mm Dome Sony FE 28-60 f4-5.6 + Nauticam WWL-1b Canon EF 100mm f2.8L + Metabones Smart Adapter V5 + Nauticam Macro Port 94 2 * Retra Pro Strobes with UWTechnics Trigger Best regards & let's get wet! Chris
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