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  1. If anyone has a WACP-1B (needs to be the b version), could I ask you to post an image of the rear glass element inside. I'm curious to see if the change to the N100-N120 mount means things are clearer inside to allow for a bigger lens to get closer to the glass. Thanks,
  2. Sure, I’m on the road atm but will post a pic when I get back (will be a couple of weeks). I use to place the o-ring on the flat port, there is actually a small bevel on the outer edge of the glass for the ring to fit. I don’t have the flat port with me that I did this with as it’s for an older system but I can check one of the flat ports that I have with me tomorrow when I put my rig together to make sure it’s the same on all of them. The 4mm for me was very tight but it does make a really nice secure fit and allowed for split shots. Is the rear element framing the same in the WWL-1 and WWL-1B?
  3. Wow such a great point, diving in Australia that’s not really an issue so never even crossed my mind. I thought diving Melbourne in winter was cold…
  4. Grab yourself a 54(outer diameter)x4mm o-ring from a hardware store. I just checked my invoice and it cost 50c. It fits nice and snug between the flat port and the WWL-1 and creates a perfect seal. I’m pretty sure I’ve seen these from Zen but then they charge underwater camera prices. You can attach with bayonet mount in a bucket to add water but it also does a pretty good job dry. If you really wanted you could go the extra mile and use distilled water! The size I quoted was for the original WWL-1 but sure the same would apply to the rest of the WWL family.
  5. I’ve also been eyeing up the 7inch Kraken. The weight on paper isn’t too different to the 5.5inch but I’m finding reviews hard to come by.
  6. May I ask which 7inch monitor you’re using?
  7. Underwater video shooter using a Nikon Z9 and BMPCC4K.
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