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  1. Would love to get this working on a Canon mount too, preferably RF (although EF could work) 👀 Without derailing the topic of 13mm, have any thoughts been given to some of the other UW RS lenses? Would it be a similar sort of process?
  2. Hello hello! 👋 The real name is Ben, and I'm from the UK. I'm a scuba instructor and rebreather diver, with a background in media & related tech. I love being able to create experiences and share stories through sound & motion picture. Initially discovered the forum coming from various YouTube videos, and subsequent research into Nikonos lenses 📽️ You'll probably find me hanging around there to begin with. I rarely dive in the UK (hoping to change that however), having spent the majority of it in Mexico and Portugal. Looking to learn as much as possible generally, and would be especially great to connect with people around the world within this little niche 🤘
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