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Additional Info

  • Camera Model & Brand:
    Nikon D850
  • Camera Housing:
  • Strobe/Lighting Model & Brand:
    Inon Z-240


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Polyp (1/15)

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  1. Hello all. I’ve recently joined the Waterpixels community after many years with WetPixel. I’ve been diving for over 48 years and have been shooting underwater for most of that time. My first camera system was the venerable Nikonos III, and over the years I’ve used quite a few different housed systems as I transitioned through various types of film cameras into the digital realm. My newest camera of choice is the Nikon D850 using a Nauticam housing. I enjoy both wide angle and macro photography. I have significant experience around the world diving in both warm and cold water, and in some really fast currents. But I admit a preference for a bit calmer waters and warmer climes these days. Glad to be part of the community. Best regards,
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