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Hans Dahle

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Hans Dahle last won the day on June 7 2024

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1 Follower

Additional Info

  • Camera Model & Brand:
    Nikon Z8
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  • Strobe/Lighting Model & Brand:
    Retra Pro Max
  • Accessories:
    EMWL, Snoot, MWL
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  1. Love it! I'm checking off a bucket list item by going to gods pocket in september, one of Alex's workshops. We will be spending 3 weeks in total in the area and are looking for some other places to dive and also some good spots for nature scenery. Would you be interested in sharing some tips and places to check out? πŸ™‚ I have campbell river on the list and maybe some days in port hardy after the gods pocket stay.. I've been suggested that Skookumchuck Narrows is an amazing place, however not sure how to experience it - is there anyone doing dives there? Or any nature trips to take? Is there places in the south, victoria, to check out?
  2. I guess the question there is: The minimum focusing distance for the 105 is 29cm. Is this 29cm from the sensor regardless of how much air is in front of the port glass. 1 cm in air is the same as 1 cm in the water.. Maybe a stupid question πŸ˜‰ Know that the focusing is different for domes with the dome diameter comming into play and the virtual image etc.. I guess what you are pointing at with th 1:1 is that if the port extends beyond the minimum focusing distance you will not be able to achieve the 1:1 magnification? The EMWL thing. I guess that the essence of my though as well. However I try to not just buy stuff i not need, as that is money that can rather be directed at a new lense or different thing that is needed πŸ˜‰
  3. I guess if one first have bought the EMWL and discover the port reduce the quality, there are not that many relevant arguments for not buying the correct port combination πŸ˜‰ I kind of assumed that the working distance was the same if it was air in front of the port or water after the port.. But ofc if the air gap causes the the working distance to be "on the inside" it would ofc be not optimal.. maybe i'm mistaken here?
  4. Nice, thanks. So vignetting is mostly the consequence to consder.. I guess for the 105mm 10mm should not really impact then. Is this amplified with diopters? But i guess I will just try using the current combination and then buy new if it is an issue.. Different budget when buying later πŸ™ˆπŸ€£πŸ€£
  5. Hi.. Have a somewhat theoretical question regarding ports and distance between front element and glass. When I upgraded my camera to mirrorless, I had a 60mm nikkor and sigma 105mm and got suggested the macro 60 port for the 60mm and a 30mm extension which allowed the sigma lense to be used. I now want to upgrade to the Z 105, but on the port chart it macro 60 and a 20mm extension.. Is there any noticeable differece in image quality with a 10 mm difference.. I guess there will be more bouancy, but more interessted in optical effects and operational effects, like focusing etc. The reason for upgrade is also a step on the way to invest in the EMWL. Would that add more precice requirement to it? Should I also plan for buying a 20mm extension or even just the port without using extensions? Any insights, comments or recommendations?
  6. Heated west....... 🀣 when it works πŸ™ˆ E/O cords 🀬🀬 70-80 mins in 5-6 degrees... what don't we do for these water pixels πŸ˜‰
  7. Hello! I've been shooting a D7200 for many in ikelite housing, but got tired of fighting with buttons and switches, so took the plunge into nauticam housing and upgraded to z8. I am diving around Stavanger, south-west coast. I am currently enjoying a 60mm, diopter and MWL combo and tend to prefer macro/60mm. MWL did save me though, when out of the blue a white whale dropped by, on a night dive.. My buddy with his macro setup was not too happy 🀣 .. Looking in to maybe aquiring EWML and also a better WA setup. I work to dive, as a friend of mine said (or stole it from somewhere, who knows πŸ˜‰ ) I Also enjoy some DIYing, when it is productive. Have made some own ports, strobe gear, magnetic stuff, DPV camera mount etc.. I would rather dive than hang around in fusion 360 though πŸ™‚
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