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Everything posted by Scubakron

  1. Hi, I have a problem with the auto review function on my Sony a7iv. The problem is that the 2 second auto review displays the image much more colorful and vibrant than it actually is. When I go to ordinary playback (while I'm still at the same depth) the colours are much more bland and more true to how they look in a computer. This only happens under water, not on land. I wonder if the ambient light somehow affects this? Monitor settings are set to manual, gamma assist is off.
  2. Thanks! Another question, what is the total length for the Metabones+tc+canon 8-15-combo? Can't find specs online for Metabones. Trying to find out if Seafrogs have any compatible dome or accurate extension ring.
  3. Any opinion regarding different Kenkos? I might get a Kenko 1.4X Teleplus Pro 300 DG for a good price.
  4. Yes, that's the port. I will do some measurements and contact them.
  5. Ah, now i understand better. Yes the Seafrog port leaves to much space even though it's supposed to be dedicated for the 28-60 lens. And that's what I wanted to point out with my post. I should have been clearer about that. The port is made for the first Seafrog A7iv-housing, I have the next generation (NG). I don't know how well it fits the first generation. The WWL-1 is screwed in to the port, no adapters or anything.
  6. I'm shooting with a Sony A7iv which is full frame. If I switch over to aps-c I get rid of the vignette. But I want to use the full sensor in order to get as wide image as possible and use the full frame potential.
  7. I’ve been experimenting with the Nauticam WWL-1 on a Seafrogs Sony A7IV NG-housing and the Sony 28-60 kit lens. The WWL-1 with the 28-60 lens has been described as one of the best fisheye solutions for Sony full frame. However, all the recommendations are based on the Nauticam housings and gadgets. Since Seafrogs has a dedicated 28-60 port, I was eager to try the same thing on the Seafrogs housing. Keep in mind that you can only use the original WWL-1 with a 67mm thread in order to get close enough to the port. Some of the photos are rather poor in quality, but they’re just to give a feel for the combo. I really like how the WWL-1 performs, but I wish I didn’t have to zoom in so much to eliminate the vignetting, up to 38mm. I don’t know if this will be my future fisheye solution. But I really like the idea of bringing a WWL-1 and CMC-2 underwater to be able to shoot both wide-angle and macro during the same dive. I’ve also done some trials with the CMC-2, more on that another time 40mm 38mm 36 mm, still some vignetting 28mm 38mm
  8. Nice to meet a fellow uw-photographer! Hope we cross paths underwater some day 🙂
  9. Great thread! Any replies from european suppliers? I've been doing my own fiber cables for years but never had any chance to get hold of the 613 multi core. I usually use single core that's not reliable and snaps to easily. Latest try is a 6mm solid single core. Thought I could just wrap some tape around it to make some sort of connector, but it's not a good solution. Thought of going for a 3 or 4mm single core and 3d-print a connector but a 613 multicore seems way more interesting if I only could find somewhere to buy it within EU or with reasonable shipping to EU.
  10. Hi there! NIce seeing you all! I am a happy amateur on a budget who photographs with relatively simple means and homemade solutions. As it turns out, that works quite well too since I'm the current Swedish Champion in underwater photography. With my photography, I primarily want to showcase the Swedish underwater world. 90 percent of all my diving and photography takes place in Sweden on the West Coast. I like to experiment with different effects underwater. Different backgrounds, lights, filters, and other things that affect the image. An important distinction is that everything happens underwater, at the moment when the photo is taken. Shooting with a Sony A6500 (looking for an upgrade) in a Seafrog/Salted Line-housing. My webpage: https://vinkel.se/ My insta: https://www.instagram.com/scubakron/
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