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water buffalo

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    United States

Everything posted by water buffalo

  1. Looks like someone likes them - there are only 3 sets left.
  2. Thanks for the link. Those are well done. Even the info on each slide is very detailed. It's hard to believe anyone would part with such a collection. Hopefully it is not from an estate.
  3. Long-time diver and photographer, glad to have found this forum. I missed Wetpixels. I must admit I had a ridiculously hard time registering. It must have taken me 12 tries to pass the CAPTCHA screens. Really, I'm not a bot (unless that is short for bottom.) I have had an easier time registering for brokerage accounts. Is that really necessary or is it just the browser I use (Brave)? Anyway, happy to be here. Now I can post something. I have to hurry up and move away from polyp status. I just had a colonoscopy (with no polyps).
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