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  1. A bit late on this but for anyone who is wondering on the Nikon 28-70 + FCP and comes across this: 28-31 range ""slight vignetting issues" more specified: if looking at focal length from metadata afterwards, only 28mm, 31mm, and 34mm register, so ambiguous description of "slight" maybe because the lens is actually somewhere in between these registered focal lengths when taking the picture along with it being a bit of a funny older lens. anyhow, at just a casual glance of my photos @ 28 metadata focal length: there is always a little cutoff, quick crop in LR suffices for me though depends on your personal tolerance. For images where I am certain it was at 28mm fully wide the cutoff will definitely be noticed, but definitely some where they were taken at 29-30mm and it was slight. @ 31 metadata focal length: most of the time no cutoff at all, though there were a few and it was just slight. most of the above was done with latest recommended extension of 45, I did some testing with ER50 also and definitely had some more cutoff but still usable images with cropping. net net I'd say practical shooting wise since you can't really see what exact length you are at underwater, I would be starting the dive with it at 31mm and be fairly comfortable knowing that I shouldn't expect to need to crop been out of this scene for a while so these are just comments from a casual enthusiast (the type that rarely looks at their photos until weeks or months later) so take it fwiw
  2. SSY


    maybe i missed the message in setup, couldn't find it readily afterwards but seems like this is required to do anything in the forum?
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