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Johno1530 last won the day on June 29 2024

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  • Camera Model & Brand:
    Sony A7r5
  • Camera Housing:
    Nauticam A7RV
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  1. Thanks All, it would appear that it's getting worse and when I asked the dive operator for a current update, I got a standard response. I have decided to cancel my trip to Socorro as I am unwilling to get scammed and think it's better to just forget about Mexico, cut my losses and move on. It's a shame as I was really looking forward to diving there but not enough is being done to stop this practice. A holiday is supposed to be relaxing and all of this sounds anything but. I don't need the hassle. I will just look for somewhere else to spend my money.
  2. I could but a TG6 or 7, but it would mean spending more money for something it I will never use again and I feel a bit reluctant as I have paid so much for my current setup and want to use it. I do have a Seafrogs housing & domes, which are far cheaper.
  3. Yep, for sure and I cannot say that the scuba company have been part helpful. Just stock answers, nothing about what they are or have been trying to do about it. I have drafted some 'Invoices' but it's if they believe the prices. I really don't know what to do.
  4. Hi all, Just got back from Sipidan and had a fantastic time diving. Scuba Junkie were fantastic and the diving was amazing. Saw a black Marlin but unfortunately, I wasn't quick enough on the trigger. I'm sort sorting out the finer details (Possible) trip to Mexico, flying into Cabo San Lucas and was wondering if anyone had any FURTHER information on the criminal camera tax on underwater housing since the last post. I have contacted the liveaboard company, but unfortunately, they haven't replied, which is making me question if I even want to go. I'm due to pay the final £3800 for the trip within the next week. I'm already in for £1700 (flights and deposit). I'm wondering if I should just cut my losses and cancel the trip and go to a country that doesn't want to scam me. Any new advice, issues or knowledge would be very helpful. Thanks John
  5. Absolutely unreal. What an experience to have. Video is great.
  6. So, for us from the UK, I contacted the relevant authority about a Carnet and got back the following: You do not need a Carnet, but they will issue one at a cost of £410.40 and can be issued in 2 to 3 days. The issues comes and this will be for All countries, is that Mexico require a 40% security to be taken by the issuing country and a minimum of $2000. You then don't get this deposit back if they don't stamp your forms or some other mistake. Not sure who holds the money I.e. Mexico or the issuing country but doesn't sound great. Just for peoples info.
  7. Amazing Chris, especially the Mandarins, they are my absolute favorite fish. Beautiful.
  8. I think I will just purchase a carnet, which is approx £315 just to be safe, but it will mean that I don't go back to Mexico until they stop stealing off divers/underwater photographers.
  9. It is certainly a good idea, I would just worry if it got lost, stolen or broken. Surely, they would also see housings and ports on any x-ray.
  10. Signed and shared with friends & family. Thanks for taking the time to do this Romik 👍
  11. I absolutely agree Romik, it is disgusting. The Cenotes (Where, I dived in June with my camera and full underwater kit) are beautiful and certainly worth diving, but I have heard Cabo San Lucas is much worse that Cancun, so clearly the law is being applied differently between areas of Mexico. This behaviour would simply NEVER be an issue in the UK as there would be up-roar and rightfully so. I know a Carnet takes the fun out of things and I certainly don't want the cost or hassle, but if I want to dive Socorro, which I do then I may have to pay it. I'm not sure I trust my credit card company to reimburse me as a charge back. It's also A LOT of money at 2 or 3 thousand dollars. The Carnet for Mexico only lasts for 6 months not a year, I believe. I have never needed or heart of one until recently on Waterpixels. Once I have done Socorro (If I actually decide to go) I will NOT go back to Mexico until they change this rule, but it would appear that the government are happy about tourists not going on diving holidays, which will eventually hit the tour operators and liveaboard operators.
  12. Thanks Mark, I was looking forward to it, but I may very well cancel the trip sue to the current Mexican stance against underwater photographers. Shame, but there are plenty of places in the world to spend my money 🙂
  13. Thanks for your reply Lasango. I feared as much about the Spanish documents, but at the very least, its better to have them than not. Clearly, this is deep seated and not something that the customs officers have come up with themselves. It criminal/fraud/scamming. I have a few tough decisions to make but I will look to either purchase a CARNET or cancelling completely. My rig, and if they search prices will add up possibly around $15,000, which would leave me a ‘TAX’ bill of around $2000-$3000 dollars, which I would be unwilling to pay. I am ‘NOT’ a professional, just a hobbyist. I do not know how they can justify saying that domes, ports, extension rings are cameras, and it must go high up the ranks of government / airport authorities. Along with your strobes, what other equipment did you have in your bag?????? As I will be taking 1 x camera, 1 x housing, 1 x WACP-C, 1 x macro port, 1 x extension ring, 1 x diopter, 1 x SMC as well as other items (You will know what it’s like being a professional). I don’t want to get charged ‘TAX’ for all of that. I could take non-descript luggage, but they will still X-Ray the bags and therefore, they will see the housing ect and no doubt stop me. I’m not the luckiest with customs. I don’t have Peli-cases, just a normal camera bag. I could also take alternative receipts for a lower value but the housing and most of my stuff is brand-new, so would stick out as such and if they are checking prices, then surely they will charge the higher rate???? I may check with my credit card company to see if they will do a charge back, as I’m not sure how east it would be. Clearly, it will not be the authorities that are affected, but unfortunately, it will be people like yourself who will suffer, as well as the dive centres, liveaboards ect
  14. To be honest, I have considered that but I have the kit for a reason. It sad that we have to consider not taking items due to fraud/scamming. I agree that I would be grumpy if I got stung, but I think I would also be grumpy taking just the gopro. I may even cancel the trip all together yet. I went to Mexico in June, really enjoyed it and only had an issue with my drone, not my cameras or underwater housing but I think Cabo San Lucas is a different kettle of fish. They got me for a very minor amount, something like 20 dollars, which annoyed me but I got over it pretty quickly. Not sure I would feel the same about 2000$.
  15. What a sad state of affairs. It will likely hit the people of Mexico more than us. If I have to pay 'Tax' on a camera I have already paid tax on, then I will be unable to afford to spend money in Mexico I.e. People gratuities/tips will suffer. I also will NOT travel back to Mexico. Hopefully, liveaboards, dive centres, resorts and others will start realising and group together. Mexico is already more expensive than the UK and whilst I can afford it, I do not like being scammed. I have started translating Mexican and international customs laws, as well as other useful phrases into Spanish to help with any interaction. Unfortunately, it would appear that bad interactions are quite often and having been stung already, I'm a bit anxious. I will reduce my camera equipment down to next to nothing and hope for the best. Not what I was hoping for from a trip of a lifetime.
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