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Everything posted by Johno1530

  1. Hi All, Just wondering if all 1" ball clamps are made equally? Or is there a difference between say ultralight, nauticam or a cheaper non brand. Thanks John
  2. I have just ordered some 😁
  3. Thanks. I did get the new viewfinder and love the view it gives, although the normal viewfinder is so much better that what I had before, so I may use both depending on the situation. I'm use 2 x Sea&Sea YS-D3 Mk 2 strobes. I just need to work out the weight and buy buoyancy arms.
  4. Thanks for the tips. I need to attach something to the hood so I can attach to my bcd. I'm pretty OCD anyway and have a couple of keyboard blowers anyway, so that's one expense I can avoid 😊 Thanks again for all your help. I'm looking forward to getting in the water and having a play. It's so much better than the sea frogs and far easier to use 😁
  5. Yeah, I got a couple of the adapters. I'm not sure why they don't put a couple in given the price of the housing. Ha ha, chip was great with his advice and I appreciated it, although he did cost me an extra couple of thousand 😉 I need to work out what arms and 1" ball clamps now. I'm considering the wee fine adjustable ones, but might just stick with the stix floats.
  6. Definitely not lol, it cost more than my car. She just simply said 'That looks nice' 😊.
  7. Hi All, My news toys arrived today and I'm very happy 😊. Thank you to everyone who helped me choose, epicially Chip who was fantastic. Anything I should be aware of setting it up? Thanks John
  8. Thanks Chris & Chip, I would like to try some splits at some point but they aren't my main focus. I more want the fisheye perspective of groups of fish, as I love them photos and think the canon 8-15mm might be a good choice. I have the WACP-C so I may just stick with that for the time being and see how I get on. Thanks for the info John
  9. Amazing video. If I see half of that in January, I will be a happy man.
  10. This is exactly the answer I wanted from my most recent post 😁 and now I have it. Thank you for more information.
  11. Hi All, I am considering buying a dome to use with a 8-15mm canon fisheye and for split level shots, but I'm unsure which one to consider 180mm Optical glass 230mm Optical glass 8.5 inch acrylic dome (215mm approx) The 8.5 inch is attractive due to a considerable price difference versus the 230mm glass dome and is also lighter and I'm guessing it will have an optical difference but just not sure how much? Has anyone tried both or can give an input? Many thanks in advance John
  12. Thanks Chip, that is amazing. You have been very helpful and it is appreciated. The settings video is very much needed as although I know my camera well, I haven't used it nearly enough underwater. Very much looking forward to using the nauticam. I did enjoy the Seafrogs but the nauticam is in a different league. I will have a look at the 2 options for the 8-15mm as I do love the circular fisheye images it produces. I cannot wait to play in Sipidan and Socorro. I will report back 😊 Thanks again John
  13. Hi Chip, Thank you for your advice. I am the proud new owner of a Nauticam housing for my a7r5, WACP-C, SMC-1 and a few other nauticam items. I'm going to use the WACP-C with a 28-60mm (Took your advice and went for this over the 28-70).my question is Q: Can I use the Canon 8-15mm fisheye with the WACP-C? Many thanks in advance John
  14. Very interesting video Chris. Do you use the back scatter own brand close up filters? And how do you normally mount them? I'm guessing that if you have a flip filter that you can use most filters? Thanks John
  15. Thanks for your reply Mark, I used to be a UK diver but I'm much more fond of the warmer water lol I have Sea&Sea strobes and have looked at their housings, which are actually as expensive as the nauticam ones. They do look really good. I think I am going to go for the nauticam and WACP-C as there seems to be a much wider knowledge base that with other housings. It's expensive for sure but as you say, I can hopefully use the ports on future housings. I will have a watch of the video. Thanks again John
  16. I think I'm going to look at the WACP-C as I would like to shoot a wide variety of things including big stuff as well as reef seens, I also like the fact it is close focussing, its a toss up money wise. I do like the extreme fisheye look and may purchase a Canon 8-15mm as well. Thanks for your reply, everyone has been very helpful and I think choose correctly.
  17. You have some beautiful photos and videos on your Instagram. I think I will definitely have to consider the WACP for sure. It appears to be a good option and the zoom range certainly lends itself to underwater photography. It's certainly a bit overwhelming the options. Thank you for the reply, I'm off to check out the WACP 😊
  18. Sounds Amazing. I absolutely love hammerhead and it's one of the things I'm hoping to see at Socorro. It's nice to know that you got good results. I will defo check them combos out and thanks for taking the time. I have just checked out some of Alex Mustards work with the WACP, as suggested by Pooley and wow, if I can manage something half as good, I will be happy 😊
  19. Thanks Chip, The Laowa 10mm certainly looks interesting. It not available in the UK at the moment but looks like it could be a good lens for me.
  20. Thanks Pooley, That certainly explains things better. I have seen lots of people talking about the Sony 28-60mm and using the WACP, it is a little confusing which one, ha I currently have a Sea Frogs housing and it's easy just to whack a lens on behind a dome. The results from the 24-70 sigma are fairly disappointing but have wet my appetite. So would the 28-60mm with a WACP be the same IMAGE quality, as say a 16-35 mk2 behind a dome or would it be better? As I say in my reply to chip, I'm an open canvas really and haven't invested too much in lenses (That I don't already use above water), so I have lots of decisions. I got it wrong with the Seafrogs and bought Everything, obviously with nauticam I would have to sell a couple of kidneys, ha ha Thanks again for your reply John
  21. Hi Chip, Thank you very much for the very detailed reply. It is very much appreciated. I have not heard of the Loawa 10, but will definitely be checking it out. I also like the thought of the extended zoom range and close focusing of the water contact lens. I love anything BIG and hopefully, I will be seeing lots of sharks in the Socorro Islands in January but I do also like smaller stuff/reef scenes, so the water contact lens would keep my options open by the sounds of it. I think I need to check out WWL-1B and WACP-C. Would these be in place of a dome port? I'm guessing I would still need zoom gear and extension rings on top? I haven't actually bought the nauticam housing, domes ect so I have a bit of a blank canvas. Thanks again John
  22. Hi Everyone, I'm after some advice please from those with more knowledge than me. I'm looking to buy a nauticam system. I would like to use the Canon 8-15mm & the 90mm macro on my Sony A7r5 but I'm unsure if I would be better going for the WACP-1 or WAPC-C or sticking with a dome port I.e. The 180 or 230mm domes The lenses I currently have are: Sony 90mm macro Sigma 24-70mm f2.8 (Not the best for UWP I have been told) Sony 24mm f1.4 I see a lot of people are using the Sony 28-70 kit lenses with he WAPC-C but I don't quite get how that would be wide enough. Maybe someone can explain please? Or would I be better getting a Sony 12-24 or equivalent Sigma? I'm really just after the best set up of lenses I can afford as I have a couple of liveaboards to the Socorro Islands and diving in Sipidan coming up. Thanks for your help John
  23. Hi Humu, Thank you for the welcome.funnily enough I'm just browsing while watching England under preform, ha I have the Sea&sea Y3-D3's not the 03's as stated. So I am OK for strobes I think. I'm very interested in the wet lenses but don't know where to start really. I have seen that many people seem to use the Sony 28-60mm but the ports (If that's what you call them) appear to be very expensive and I will have to buy everything basically and it will be the thick end of 10k 😬. Everything in diving and photography is expensive and when combined ha, I'll just spend the child's university fund. I'm looking at the 230mm or 180 dome. The WACP and all the rest is a bit alien for me at he moment. Thanks for the welcome 👍
  24. Thanks Tim, I am looking forward to learning lots and gaining experience from everyone. I have just purchase Alex Mustards book and hoping to get on one of his courses 👍
  25. Hi All, Thanks for letting me join. I'm relitively new to underwater and currently shooting a Sony A7r5 on a Seafrogs housing with 2 x Sea&Sea YS-03 strobes. I'm looking at upgrading to a Nauticam or Ikelite housing with an enhancer viewfinder as I find it difficult to properly see through the view finder on the sea frogs housing. I'm torn between Ikelite and Nauticam, mostly due to the price difference. Looking for a bit of advice from those more experienced. I like the ikelite clear rear panel but not the stress that comes with not having a leak alarm and the vacuum seems more complicated than the nauticam solution. I currently only have a Sony 90mm macro, Sony 24mm f1.4 & a sigma 24-70mm but looking at buying a canon 8-15mm fisheye. Any advice would be appreciated and in the meantime I will read the other posts. Thanks John
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