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Everything posted by Stewart

  1. John, I'm an ophthalmologist. I agree with most of the above advice. I would definitely not recommend you wear your full add power over the entire lens of your mask. Unless you have a severe aversion to bifocals, the best solution by far is to have your add professionally placed in your mask. You might try the "stick-on" type first (you can find on Amazon and elsewhere) but they don't offer the best vision and they will fall out at the most inconvenient times. For myself and my wife, I had my optical shop send our masks off to Prescription Dive Masks for a straight line bifocal. As Rick said above, you will want the bifocal installed a bit higher than typical. Prescription dive masks has instructions online for how to mark your mask for positioning of the bifocal, but I would recommend you consider stopping by your local optical shop and let them mark the mask for you. I don't know the name, but there is also a company in Germany that does this and they even install the progressive (no line) bifocals into diver masks if you don't want the line. The permanent bifocals were a game changer for wife's enjoyment of macro diving and work beautifully for me for my photography. If you don't mind contacts, other options for you could be monovision or multifocal contacts but both of these options come with some compromise.
  2. Hello! Like many, migrating over from WetPixel. Diving about 20 years and can count on one hand the number of dives without a camera in hand. Diving primarily Indonesia. Currentlly shooting Nikon z8 with Nauticam housing. Looking forward to seeing this site eclipse what WetPixel once was!
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