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Ar Splujer

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Ar Splujer last won the day on January 14

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  • Camera Model & Brand:
    Black Magic 6k
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  • Strobe/Lighting Model & Brand:
    Big blue 10k CRI 85
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  1. Sorry for the stupide question but... what is the technique used to weight your underwater setup underwater ? Thanks.
  2. I wanted to share with you the latest images of Luca Keller. This is what he told me : "Shot on an FX3 with a few different lenses :) - But no WACP"
  3. Thanks David for this clarification. I've also been looking for a while to do nice tracking without jolts. I admit that if something like this existed to go underwater I would take one too. Not only for macro but as you say for wide angle or semi wide angle. But precisely, on this instrument, how could we add rolls to then put the tripod
  4. That's interesting. I see that we can put them on top of each other. Like in this photo :
  5. This is the level above the classic underwater tripod. I don't know how they work underwater or even if the friction of the water allows you to do nice tracking of species... I saw these photos on rEvorebreather's Instagram. I have often asked myself the question of tripods too. And I also use Nauticam's most basic tripod. I'm happy with it but obviously the subject must remain practically still otherwise it goes directly out of the sharpness zone.
  6. I did not think about it first but you can have a blue light and use a snoot on it. I don't have one at the moment so I put a blue filter on CB10000, but I can't put a snoot on the filter...
  7. I've been deep diving in his videos since and they are all very incredible. I really like the one hour chill videos. I'm always scared to bore people with videos that are more than 3mn. I'm gonna think about it again. Thanks for that Davide :)
  8. Hi @Cutbacks_Ericeira ! I can't say I suceeded but let say there is hope. So I tried with my bigblue 10k lumen CB and a blue filter. And sometimes I tried with an other bigblue I have, 3500p supreme. And I think it's better with this last one. I like to use the snoot for macro filming. And with this 10 degree halo, it works better. But what I really would like is a blue snoot filter. But I don't think it exist yet.
  9. Thanks a lot @bghazzal ! That's a gold mine for me :) I will dig into it tonight !
  10. Hello everyone, I am often looking to learn new underwater video techniques. Or simply to look at what others are doing to get new ideas. Or just for the pleasure of watching. But it is not always easy to find good references. I often see new YouTube channels that Davide mentions in his posts. I found the idea that everyone could share the YouTube channels that interest them and share them with others on the forum interesting. I'll start the list but feel free to share yours please :) https://www.youtube.com/@TomPark https://www.youtube.com/@bbcearth https://www.youtube.com/@BehindtheMask https://www.youtube.com/@underwateritaly https://www.youtube.com/@arte https://www.youtube.com/@Aquatilis https://www.youtube.com/@DiveHard https://www.youtube.com/@BlueWorldTV https://www.youtube.com/@Alex_Mustard https://www.youtube.com/@bubblevision https://www.youtube.com/@UnexpectedDiscovery https://www.youtube.com/@dibrem https://www.youtube.com/@CritterHunter https://www.youtube.com/@patrickrbourgeois https://www.youtube.com/@naucratesuw https://www.youtube.com/@DidierNoirot https://www.youtube.com/@RobSwisher https://www.youtube.com/@theaquaticeye6849 https://www.youtube.com/@UnderThePoleVideo https://www.youtube.com/@gombessaexpeditions The list is not exhaustive but if you have others to share I think many might be interested. Thanks
  11. Thank you Maria :) That was just a first try. I didn't had the yellow infra filter on my lens. I did put the yellow glasses in from of the flat port just to see if it worked. I filmed that in "little Brittany", west part of France Atlantic, so you could probably do the same I think.
  12. Whao ! This is incredible, thanks. I'm gonna look at it further. I would be happy to know which filters he's using for it. Same for the lights.
  13. Hi everyone, I tried yesterday, for the first time, doing some fluorescence. Here is what I filmed. It wasn't completly dark so I could probably get better colors. But, it wasn't like I saw it. I don't know what I could to do to do it better. Any advice please ? Anywere I could find some informations about it ? Thanks everyone.
  14. Thanks !
  15. Of course. But your sea looks more bright than mine ;) F8 is impossible with this camera and in dark water. Even at 3200 iso. But F5 or F6 and zooming yes. I've got other videos in here, at 50 to 60m, completly in the dark. Even with a divers with big lights and at 3200iso, you still have to open at F4-5...
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