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Everything posted by Bio

  1. I would expect the following button to download the original file:
  2. I dont really have experience with dropbox, just have the account. The file uploaded is 4k and I guess you should be able to download the regular file. If the downloaded file has 833 MB that should be the 4k.
  3. Here you go https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/1e49zg88a0kf7oe2gwdla/RockSteady_wide.MP4?rlkey=ek70xivo8rsclnymzz3lufifv&st=3yyt76eh&dl=0
  4. @bghazzalYou should be able to download the original file here: https://www.icloud.com/iclouddrive/023uOp_AflT0AyJTQOOUl7ANA#waterpixels Ok, seems like iCloud shares are not universally downloadable. Maybe I will have to share it another way, but the upload to my private cloud was painfully slow. Maybe tomorrow
  5. Well, they are unedited flat dlog-m, they are supposed to look flat 😉 I will try to share the original file if bandwith here on the remote island permits
  6. Yes, I will try different settings. The UCL-03 has a very narrow focus range. Too far and it is out of focus, same for to close. Hard to get the distance right and also hard to stay stable when being so close, having currents etc. I took the UCL video in 4k but only realised after uploading, that the timeline was Full HD. I now have configured three Presets with Rockstable+ standard, wide and ultra wide and will do some testing with those. I was wondering if 4:3 vs 16:9 would do a difference because of the sensor cropping, as I dont see those corner problems as in posts mentioned earlier.
  7. Not 100% on topic but here also a video with the AOI UCL-03
  8. Well I guess thats because of the frogkick I have a gliding phase, I slow down and then do the next frogkick
  9. I dont see the skipped frames. There were phases where I held the (heavy) rig with only one hand to equalize pressure, maybe thats what you are seeing.
  10. So here are 2 longer videos with different FOV. The camera settings state equivalent focal length of 12mm for Rocksteady Wide and 17mm for HorizonBalancing @dhaas https://www.aoi-uw.com/aoi-qrs-02-mb3-blk.html is what you would use to mount the lens to the dive housing.
  11. Hi everyone, before my purchase I got some information here and am right now travelling with a DJI Osmo Action 5 Pro and the AOI UWL-03 and UCL-03 in the Philippines, did 7 dives so far and am quite happy. Next month we will continue to Raja Ampat and Lembeh Strait. If you want to see any comparisons/videos with specific settings, I will try to make that happen. A short clip in DLOG-M unedited on a cloudy day at about 8 meters 4k 60 fps and I think it was horizon balancing, so not wide mode.
  12. Hi, seems like I have to post something first so I can reply in some threads 🙂 I like diving and I like to capture photos and videos. For the trip I just started I bought a DJI Osmo Action 5 Pro and for images I use a TG6 with 2 Inon flashes.
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