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Hello from Texas

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I've been doing UW photography for a long time now (first camera was a Nikonos V), but I'm shifting to more video these days. Such a completely different world!


Most of my upcoming work will be for NOAAs Mesophotic and Deep Benthic Communities Restoration project as part of the technical dive team.


Looking forward to learning and sharing will all of you!



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Welcome on board Chris,


3 hours ago, sea_ledford said:

Most of my upcoming work will be for NOAAs Mesophotic and Deep Benthic Communities Restoration project as part of the technical dive team.


Another tech diver 🤩 

tell us more about this project. 


I have a lot of Mediterranean mesophotic in my channels and citizen science projects for several Italian scientists working on mesophotic animal forests.


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Thanks! MDBC is a significant project funded by Deepwater Horizon oil spill funds. We are in phase 1 currently, which is just figuring out what works. Ultimate goal is to restore the injured deepwater corals. At least that is the ultimate goal of the part that I am working on, there are three other portfolios running concurrently.


Project website is here:


 I'm mostly working in the Coral Propagation Technique Development portfolio.

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