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I was in the older forum, did not post often, but hopefully this new forum will continue to be a great resource. I read and learn, thanks to all of the pros who post here. I am currently using a Nautican NA6400, two Inon S220 strobes and mostly use the WWL-1 for CFWA shots. Trying to get more into Macro which I am pretty bad at :). I wanted new Z330 strobes after my old D2000 strobes became non-useful but as we know Inon disappeared the Z330 so I grabbed a couple of the S220 strobes as they will remain useful even if I get more powerful strobes eventually. I have been interested in photography and UW photography my entire life. Used to own and shoot a Nikonos III. Mostly just lik to amuse myself and try to grow my capabilities. Thanks for listening. Hope the image does not break your computer screens!





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Hi James!


We’re delighted you’ve joined us. Welcome to your new home. We hope you really enjoy Waterpixels. 

Best wishes 



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