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Critter Identification


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I am curious as to why the "Critter Identification" forum doesn't have a "Mark Forum read" button like most of the others.  Is there some reason that this forum is different?  Thanks for all the work to make this site work!

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Errr, that’s odd. I’m using an iPad and I can see Mark as Read at the bottom on the Critter ID thread. 

What device are you using?

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Posted (edited)

Nope, the bottom looks like this:Screenshot 2024-03-10 at 12-12-00 Critter Identification.png


All the other forums look like this at the top:

Screenshot 2024-03-10 at 12-10-15 Feedback.png



Whereas "Critter Identification looks like this:

Screenshot 2024-03-10 at 12-12-11 Critter Identification.png


Does that help at all?


Edited by SwiftFF5
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Hmmmm, something odd going on. I can see clearly Mark Site Read on my system. 

Can you let me know what software/system you’re using and we’ll look into it? 

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I am using a Dell desktop PC running Windows 11 and a FireFox browser.  What is odd is that only this one forum is different from all the others.  Odd indeed.  Thanks

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Humm I have a mix of Tim and SwiftFF55 view.

Maybe it depends on forum personal settings. IIRC happened something like this when we started the forum and we posted an how to... Let me check 



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I have the "MARK FORUM AS READ" button on all forums except the Critters identification one.

I think that's because is the only forum with a subforum and for some obscure reason the app doesn't add that option. It's the only difference I see.







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Thanks @Davide DB - that is my experience as well, and it just seemed odd that it was the only one like that.  You may be right about the sub-forum, though, but it does make the main forum slightly more difficult to use.  Thanks to you and all the moderators for their hard work on this forum, your efforts are appreciated.

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