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  1. Maybe that works with the A6700 too. I‘ll have a look tomorrow.
  2. Hi Ben, I went into it because that was interesting for me. In fact, in video mode locking the AF-C field is done via touchscreen. But at least for me the issue seems not not be an issue... Usually I have the A6700 in stills-mode, AF-C, tracking field fixed middle. AF is superfast. Hitting on the "Video start" button usually starts with the focus distance from before. While taking video I am anyway not able to use joystick or similar to chose the subject. If focus is critical and difficult, I'd switch to manual focus. And you can select the stickyness of AF-tracking from 1 to 6... Or did I not get your point?
  3. Thanks so much, guys! Currently work is rather busy, but hopefully next weekend I can dive into all the details. Especially the locking issue is interesting, I‘ll let you know.
  4. Settings for video: First questions: - NTSC or PAL? PAL restricts to 50/100p, NTSC 60/120p. I switch to NTSC - Standard 60p? 120p is 1,6 crop - Viewfinder/Monitor: I put it into monitor (manually) and switch between monitor and viewfinder on C1 (on the side, but at the Nauticam-housing next to the red „start filming“ White balance video: Anoyone experience with „auto underwater“? Better use of manually white balance lets say 6500 and correcting in post process? Steady shot: „Active“ (only works with 60p, uses slightly cropped) or „standard“ and stabilize with catalyst browse? What should I assign to C2? I‘ll surely come with further questions. Always: Should be usable by non-tech-freak.
  5. Today I received the Nauticam housing and port for my A6700. I opted for the 6“ acrylic port with the new 10-20/4 lens for lightweight and versatile gear as my wife will be the one who will use it. For the A7IV that I use myself I have a pretty good idea how to configure. As my wife likes to do more video than photos I wondered whether anyone already went through all the settings. nice to see that the A6700 combo does not only come at less than half the price of the other one but also less than half the weight.
  6. AFAIK only Nauticam (and SeaFrogs) offers those. Probability to find one used might be low.
  7. Downloaded it, works on Windows and really good! But I haven't been able to get it working on my M2-Macbook Air. I'm using LR on iPad which supports layers - but not plugins. If anyhow possible, I would avoid buying the Adobe-stuff. Of course, cheaper than UW-photography hardware but still I'd only buy if necessary. But maybe it won't take long until I'm in the photoshop-community, too.
  8. The 300/2,8 is also a recommendation from my end.
  9. Manatees could be a nice thing. We've been with Floridasharkdivers https://floridasharkdiving.com/ (only snorkeling/freediving), was much fun and great pics. (Jupiter) Further south I am not sure whether diving will be really interesting We headed over from Florida to grand bahama and went with the tigers. Not much of diving (you sit overweighted on the bottom) but beautiful creatures. Epicdiving with Vin and Debrah. Second pic with the lady in the freediving suit is floridasharkdivers
  10. Already read the tutorials. Seems to be the same as the Xterminator but less comfortable. Very valuable!
  11. Sounds good. for anyone who just wants to dive with the tigers: Fuvamulah is an easy one. I’ll be happy to help.
  12. Oh perfect! I’ll try as soon as I am back home. Maybe I have to come back to you if that’s too complicated for me… thank you!
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