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    Sony A7IV
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  1. Up to now I used without a cable trigger. Thanks, will have a look!
  2. So my take home message is, that i can use "classic" DOF calculators for "dry" lenses to (roughly) determine the DOF. Using a focal length of 11mm. Thanks a lot!
  3. Dear all, I use a Nauticam WWL1-B with an A7IV with the 28mm 2.0. Up to now I slightly stopped the lens down to 3.5 to 5.6 and used the AF to focus on the diver. This worked quite well, in some pictures I still had some areas which were out of DOF. Shooting with an ultrawide-angle lens lens above water I usually use a tripod, f 11 and focus only once at the beginning on something a few meters away to use the hyperfocal distance. Shut down AF and just shoot without using the AF again. Up to now I didn't find something similar for the WWL1. Is it possible to do something similar (without tripod)? Is there a formula to calculate the DOF for WWL1? Actually I only would like to have e.g. 1m to 10m or 3 to 30m sharp. Best Jens
  4. In Orkney they have some special stuff, don't know, if they just drop it filming all the time or if they only start filming when a movement is detected: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=pfbid0LiNoGuZppT4W5En4YXsGB6Cf9MugHDQuqM7d6DTbxvmZfkaSKT3yJWXqBG1xayiHl&id=100064456731158 Bob Anderson of Halton Charters is involved.
  5. Hej all, I am looking for an external trigger for my camera (Sony A7IV in Nauticam housing). I know that Seacam offers one (with their pole system), but unfortunately not for my camera (at least not a few months ago). I would like to use an external trigger, since I would like to mount my camera on my DPV and trigger it from the DPV handle. To the best of my knowledge, Nauticam doesn't offer an external trigger. Do you know any alternatives? It should be usable at least to 100m of depth. All the best, Jens
  6. Hej guys, thanks for hosting this forum! I recently started with underwater photography. I love diving caves and wrecks. A few photos can be seen on Instagram Cheers Jens
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