This is very timely for us. Sometime last spring, I booked a long photography-oriented liveaboard in the Jardines de la Reina, now a month away. At that time, there appeared to be no SCTLD in the Jardines (although I was and am suspicious about that, fingers crossed), and the hard corals have long been reputed to be very healthy, certainly by Caribbean standards. It's now clear that the triple-digit temperatures in the Keys, and the attendant temperature spike throughout the region, has not spared Cuba. Two recent videos show extensive bleaching, one just a month or so old. So, there is likely to have been some recovery of bleaching, but the trip will certainly be different than planned. My partner and I discussed two nights ago that it will be important to document the tragedy; although it's our first time in the Jardines, there are lots of baseline images which we can bump what we see up against.
Also apropos, there is a decent documentary on Netflix, Chasing Coral, which documents the glory and subsequent ruin of a little-known reef complex in the western Caribbean.